Greenslade Primary School

Greenwich, United Kingdom

Location: Greenwich, United Kingdom
Type: Mainstream School
Phase: Primary
Funding status: State - Community
Gender: Mixed
Age range: 3 - 11 years

About Greenslade Primary School

Greenslade is a successful, friendly and vibrant inner city school with a diverse balance of amazing children who aspire to be the very best they can be. Relationships are a great strength and the welcoming, inclusive nature of our very supportive community enables everyone to be truly valued and respected. Our curriculum is relevant and challenging, our children are engaged, they love to learn and behave well. 

The wonderful balance of cultural and socio-economic backgrounds of our children ensures that they learn as part of an extremely well mixed group. Our philosophy of valuing the contribution of each member of our community means that we work in a positive environment in which people feel proud of their achievements, are respected for their opinions and strive toward their next step for improvement. We are passionate about our children having access to learning experiences of the highest quality in all areas and at all ages, learning using styles that reflect their differing strengths and needs. Behaviour at our school is very good and our children love to learn and enjoy coming to school. 

Relationships are a great strength at Greenslade and the school is at the heart of a very close, aspirational learning community. We have extremely successful links with our LA and all all external agencies. We work collaboratively in partnership with our neighbouring schools and children’s centres.

Currently there are 235 children on roll between the ages of 3 and 11. We are a one-form entry school with a standard number of 30 children per class. Our Nursery is organised on a part time basis with up to 25 children attending each morning.  A higher than average proportion of pupils are eligible for free school meals and the number of children on our register of Special Educational Needs is also higher than the national average. We are proud of our wonderful balance of children which is reflected in the fact that 62% come from minority ethnic backgrounds and speak a range of languages (38%), some at a very early stage in learning English.

Our academic performance over the last few years has been amazing. Across the school our children consistently make faster rates of progress than their peers nationally and levels of attainment at each key stage and in every class are above the national figures. 

Our most recent OFSTED Inspection judged us to be a “Good School”.  

We have the potential to be “Outstanding” and are determined to be so! 

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Address: Erindale, Plumstead Common, London, SE18 2QQ, United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 20 83166847