Heart of England School
Solihull, United Kingdom
About Heart of England School
Located in Balsall Common, a village in the West Midlands, Heart of England School is a co-educational secondary academy. The school has around 1300 pupilss, 250 of whom reside in the school sixth form, making it larger than the average secondary school. The vast majority of teaching takes place on-site, but the school does make use of a limited amount of off-site provision for students with certain educational needs. Heart of England School converted to academy status in 2011, but the school is not part of any wider academy group.
Mr Gethyn Bennett
Values and Vision
Heart of England School enshrines a number of core principles in its values statement. These include the values of honesty, encouraging pupils to be open with both themselves and others, determination, in academic and personal endeavours, courage, to experience new things while at school, humour, as part of the joy of learning, and kindness, towards their teachers and their peers. The curriculum at Heart of England School is designed to be diverse and inclusive, presenting a range of opportunities for pupils of all backgrounds and academic abilities.
“Students make outstanding progress in the sixth form, reaching standards which are well above the national average in most subjects. There is a rising trend in the percentage of students, including the more-able, gaining the highest grades in both A- and AS-level subjects. Students eligible for free school meals do just as well as their classmates.”
The full report into Heart of England School can be found here.