Highshore School

Southwark, United Kingdom

Location: Southwark, United Kingdom
Type: Special Needs
Phase: Special Needs
Funding status: State - Community
Gender: Mixed
Age range: 11 - 19 years

About Highshore School

Highshore is a complex mixed needs special secondary (age range 11 – 19) school situated in Camberwell, in the London Borough of Southwark. We have 156 pupils on roll. Every pupil has an Education Health Care Plan.

At Highshore School we enable our pupils to gain the skills, confidence and opportunities needed to progress to employment, meaningful voluntary opportunities and training. Our pupils tell us that they want to make a contribution to society. We are a central London school and expect our pupils to be active citizens.

All of our pupils have severe or moderate learning disabilities (SLD/MLD) and come from a mix of Southwark Primary and Special schools. Our school is oversubscribed. In addition to our teaching staff one full time and one part-time Speech and Language therapist, one day a week Occupational therapy, Family worker and a Full-time work experience coordinator. We also have strong links with CAMHS, the School Nursing Service and with the Early Help team.

Our pupils have a range of needs, including: Complex medical needs,  Downs Syndrome, Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Speech, Language and Communication difficulties, ADHD and Physical disabilities

Key Stages 3 and 4:

In Key Stage 3 our pupils start the day with Literacy and Numeracy, usually taught by their form teacher. We teach subjects such as Social Communication and Lego therapy, which your child might not have encountered in primary school, as well as the full range of National curriculum subjects. All our Key stage 3 pupils have regular swimming in addition to their PE lessons. In Key Stage 4 pupils work towards a variety of accreditation including Entry Level and Functional Skills.

Key Stage 5

Our Sixth form programme includes one day a week college link and for many pupils one day a week work experience placement. The focus of the sixth form is allowing our pupils to gain as much independence skills as possible. Travel training forms part of our programme for those pupils who are not independent travellers. Highshore has a Specialist dyslexia team who support pupils both in and out of class.

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Address: Farmers Road, Camberwell, London, SE5 0TW, United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 20 7708 6790
Positions available at Highshore School