Hope Valley College
Derbyshire, United Kingdom
About Hope Valley College
Headteacher: Mrs D Petts
CEO: Mr C James
Hope Valley College is a comprehensive secondary, situated in the village of Hope in the Peak District. With our highly inclusive ethos, we attract students from across north Derbyshire. Our school is at the heart of the local community, about 11 miles from the city of Sheffield.
We have approximately 570 students, with a small number within a Post-16 Pathways, area-wide provision comprising mainly foundation learning programmes (incorporating work experience and life skills) for young people with specific learning difficulties or special educational needs.
Our stunning countryside location means we can offer a wide range of outdoor activities, including our on-site bike trail and numerous local trips.
On 1 September 2019 Hope Valley College joined Chorus Education Trust.
Chorus Education Trust
Chorus Education Trust is committed to providing the very best opportunities for both staff and students. The trust seeks to work in partnership with both primary and secondary schools across South Yorkshire and Derbyshire.
A key part of the trust is the South Yorkshire Teaching Hub (SYTH), which is one of the 87 National Teaching School Hubs and which supports more than 318 schools within the region. SYTH delivers the DfE's 'golden threads' of initial teacher training (ITT), early career framework (ECF), appropriate body (AB) services and the entire national professional qualification (NPQ) suite. Sitting under the SYTH organisational umbrella, STTA delivers initial teacher training (ITT) within the region and NML SCITT brings together both the state and independent sectors nationally, to focus solely on training teachers of modern languages.
We believe in CPD from initial teacher training through to subject specialist training, then middle and senior leadership. We will support you to achieve the very best in your career.
South Yorkshire Teaching Hub (SYTH) website.