John Hampden Grammar School

Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom

Location: Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom
Type: Mainstream School
Phase: Secondary
Funding status: State - Academy
Gender: Boys
Age range: 11 - 18 years

About John Hampden Grammar School

JHGS is an outstanding school with a long and distinguished history of educating able boys. It combines the academic rigour of a traditional grammar school with a strong sense of community and a warm and supportive ethos where young men acquire the interpersonal skills of successful leaders. Academic excellence pervades all that we do but JHGS offers far more; we encourage boys to enjoy as wide an experience as possible.

JHGS is an established centre of academic excellence. There is a culture of aspiration and students enjoy learning. Consistently classified as ‘outstanding’ by OFSTED, the School offers a broad curriculum which enables it to tailor each student’s examination choices to his interests and talents. Boys achieve at high levels in all subjects at both GCSE and A Level and Value Added measures are consistently impressive. They are encouraged to push the boundaries, to develop enquiring minds and have the ambition to be the very best. Enterprise education and access to advanced technology equip students for the future.

JHGS has a well established reputation for outstanding pastoral care. Integral to the fabric of the School is respect - respect for each other, our environment and our community.  Dialogue between boys, parents and staff is important to ensure individual learning styles are met and the potential of each individual is genuinely developed.

Acquiring skills through their academic studies and in extracurricular activities, our boys also develop inter-personal skills which are crucial for success in life. Debating and public speaking are important to us and are developed through lessons and the very successful Pratchett Society. Parents have access to our Learning Gateway, providing constant information on their sons’ progress, grades, attendance record and achievements.

Sport typifies the ethos of JHGS. We believe both in excellence and participation and offer students a broad range of traditional sports such as rugby, football, hockey and cricket through to rock-it-ball. Some 18 sports are offered to students when they join the school. Our teams perform at the very highest levels, regularly winning local, regional and national trophies.

Leading, creating, organising, planning and performing are all enjoyable and rewarding experiences. The School’s calendar of performing arts events is extensive and incorporates boys of all ages. There is a very strong tradition of art and photography and both are also highly successful examination subjects. The creative life at JHGS educates boys to be open-minded, independent of thought and willing to take risks in their enthusiasm for excellence.

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Address: Marlow Hill, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, HP11 1SZ, United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 1494 529 589
Positions available at John Hampden Grammar School