Long Field Spencer Academy
Leicestershire, United Kingdom
About Long Field Spencer Academy
Judged as ‘Good’ in its most recent Ofsted inspection (Feb 2018), Long Field Spencer Academy is a thriving and popular 11-16 secondary school in the quiet market town of Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire and is only 18 miles from Nottingham and Leicester. Long Field joined the Spencer Academies Trust in April 2015 and is quickly becoming an outstanding Academy.
We are delighted with the results achieved for 2017 by our students. We are now the top school in Melton Mowbray, in the top ten schools in Leicestershire and in the top most improved schools in the country.
All of our students secured places to continue to study at either college or through an apprenticeship and we wish them well in their new venture which means that for 2017 we currently have 0% NEET (not in the education employment and training)
As Long Field continues to improve, the outcomes our students achieve are also rising. In line with National figures, 60% of our students achieved a grade 4 in English and Maths. 30% of our students achieved the full English Baccalaureate suite of qualifications, nationally only 19.5% of students achieved this. The progress of all student groups has shown major improvement with all now in line with National results. For 2017 the progress 8 score was 0.08.Our Attainment 8 Score was 47.82. Nationally this figure was 44.2
This success is due to the passion and dedication of our staff and students to achieve excellence, coupled with our broad and rich curriculum offer. The Academy is a perfect balance of exciting teaching and learning combined with a wide range of support for our students as well as a wealth of extracurricular opportunities. Our motto is ‘Together We Succeed’ and this reflects our commitment to working closely with families and with the Trust to ensure every student reaches their potential.
The pastoral system at the Academy is built around the four Houses and also comprises of vertical tutoring. The House system is building a close community spirit amongst students and staff through regular competitions and charity events, whilst vertical tutoring is fostering positive relationships between students across all year groups. Student leadership is an important facet of the life of the Academy and the promotion of student leadership and achievement both at school and outside of school has enabled the Academy to build an ethos that students, parents and staff are proud to be a part of.
This is an exciting time to join the Academy and to become part of the wider Spencer Academies Trust, an outstanding Trust which offers exceptional staff development and progression opportunities.
Please explore our website to find out more information about Long Field and the Spencer Academies Trust.
If you are a forward thinking, dynamic teacher who shares our passion for education and who wants to make a positive difference, then Long Field Spencer Academy is the school for you.
Spencer Academies Trust
Thank you for your interest in this role within The Spencer Academies Trust (SAT). This is a very exciting time for our Trust as we are entering a new phase of growth; building on our successful and proven track record for school improvement; as well as continually sustaining and improving outcomes for children and young people across our Academies.We are driven by the values and principles of working in collaboration and together we share high expectations across all areas of our work. Unashamedly, we maintain a hard-edged focus on results and outcomes but balanced with the optimal development of the whole child, so we really can deliver the best start for all our children and young people in a culture of no excuses: we believe everyone can achieve.Employees within our Trust belong to a strong community of collaboration and benefit from a wide range of networks, support and development opportunities. Those we recruit will need to demonstrate that they share our values, are highly motivated to work with all our stakeholders and colleagues, and continually develop their skills, in pursuit of personal and professional excellence.If you feel you can meet the challenge and be part of a successful and dynamic team, then we would be delighted to receive your application. Paul West - Chief Executive
About our Trust
We became a Multi-Academy Trust in March 2012 starting with our local partner primary schools. We have now evolved into a medium-sized Trust – continually learning and developing together. We have made a commitment to work with other schools and share our expertise. We are relentless, in our focus on results, high achievement, and high expectations.
Aims of the Trust
To improve the life chances of children and young people by raising aspiration and fulfilling potential, challenging and supporting all the schools within the Trust on their journey to and beyond outstanding and to achieve this by developing world-class system leaders.
Our Mission is to provide high quality education and deliver the best possible outcomes for children and young people, with an ethos based on our unshakeable ambition to be a high performing academy sponsor of outstanding schools. We strive to be a highly effective organisation, which values and promotes high aspiration, working in partnership and shared responsibilities. We regard all of our stakeholders, students, parents and staff as one team.
The Spencer Academies Trust is an exceptional Trust, which provides an outstanding education for local children. Our Trust is a model of national excellence. We work collaboratively to achieve the best possible outcomes for all young people, in an environment where partnership is valued and success is celebrated. Our education delivers real life experiences for students, promotes independent enquiry and stimulates intellectual curiosity; whilst developing a strong sense of individual responsibility and a personal belief and confidence. All of our students fulfil their potential and make unparalleled progress. They are fully prepared for the next phase of their education and have unrivalled opportunities to become future leaders.
We Believe:
All children have a right to a quality education regardless of background or ability, and have an entitlement to the opportunity of a secure progression route in their learning and development. Schools are stronger when they work in collaboration with each other, operate within a ‘family’ and are open to a true sense of partnership. We grow the effectiveness and sustainability of our schools by developing the people within them, and that through shared and equitable responsibility for quality and outcomes; we achieve more.
Our Trust Behaviours
Straight talking and sincere
Love to deliver
Obsessive about detail
Strive to do it differently
Share responsibility, celebrate success together
Capacity for Improvement
- Established and experienced Academy Improvement Team, Educational & Business Support.
- 3 existing NLEs and 2 LLEs, with a pipeline of additional LLEs imminent through the January 2018 application window.
- SLEs with expertise in curriculum development, vulnerable groups, behaviour, T&L, SEN, Pupil Premium, EYFS, Primary, Secondary, Post 16.
- TSA - One of the first 100 National Teaching Schools.
- Licensee Holder for Leadership Development Training for all NPQs including the new NPQ forExecutive Leader, which few TSAs have achieved.
- SCITT - Nationally ranked 2nd for Primary and 10th for Secondary – Teacher Training in 2015.
- One of only 23 Regional Maths Hubs in the country, and held up as a national model of excellence in this.
- Research School status to drive up standards across the Derby Opportunity area, drawing down expertise from the wider EEF backed Research School network.
- George Spencer Academy is a link and partner school for the Institute of Physics and a lead school in the network of excellence in computer science teaching.
- Practicing primary and secondary Ofsted inspector expertise within Trust.
- Regional East Midlands Teaching Schools Alliance (EMTSA) Strong links to HEIs at all levels, including in the SCITT and Maths Hub. National networks eg Whole Education and Research Schools Network.
- A well-established ‘Leadership Pathways’ talent management programme for emerging leaders – we had 50 participants and coaches in 2016-17.
- In primary: Trust-wide Associate Leaders deployed as required and Academy Angels/Rapid Improvement Team.
- In secondary: Trust-wide Executive Curriculum Leaders in English, Maths, Science, EBacc & Data.
I am so grateful for the fantastic opportunity to have joined an exicting and forward-looking organistion. Innovative staff professional development is at the core of what Long Field is about
- (NQT at Long Field Academy)