Matthew Moss High School
Rochdale, United Kingdom
About Matthew Moss High School
Matthew Moss High School is a mainstream, co-educational, non-denominational, community secondary school for children aged 11-16. It is situated in Rochdale, Lancashire, and there are 1236 pupils on its roll.
The school boasts excellent facilities, including a 4D Learning Environment (the largest in the UK), a 3G astroturf pitch and a state-of-the-art Bouldering Room. All new pupils are allocated a tutor group, where they will be among peers from different year groups. The school believes this mix of ages helps children to integrate and to build confidence.
Ms Charlotte Leach Rogers
Values and vision
Matthew Moss High School’s mission is to empower young people to develop a love of learning, in order to help them gain satisfaction from education and to hone skills that are of significant value to others. It believes that the desire to learn is universal and that with hard work anything can be achieved.
Teachers operate under a strategy of individual care, developing their knowledge base and skills with “adult-to-adult discourse”, which aims to challenge and critique.
Ofsted report
"Pupils at Matthew Moss High School feel safe and happy. Their membership of tutor groups with pupils from different year groups helps them to feel valued members of the school community. Pupils build strong relationships with staff, and they have adults who they can speak to in school if they have any worries.
Pupils are well prepared for their lives beyond school. They receive suitable information about further study and careers that broadens their horizons.
The school supports pupils’ wider development through its bespoke ‘change curriculum’. Pupils learn about relationships, keeping safe and healthy and equality issues. They are confident to discuss their learning with peers and adults."