Milbourne Lodge School
Surrey, United Kingdom
About Milbourne Lodge School
Milbourne Lodge School is an independent, co-educational pre-prep and preparatory school for children aged 4 – 13, located in Esher, Surrey.
Milbourne Lodge was founded in 1912 by Harvey Wyatt, and in 1948 the school was bought by Norman Hale who was Headmaster for fifty-one years. During Mr Hale’s tenure, Milbourne Lodge became one of England’s leading preparatory schools, recognised for outstanding academic achievements and numerous scholarship awards to top public schools. This pursuit of academic excellence continues to thrive at the school with each year pupils achieving scholarships and CE entry to the top Independent schools in the country including Eton, Winchester, Charterhouse, Tonbridge, Westminster, St Paul’s and Kings’ College School Wimbledon to name but a few.
In 2007 Milbourne Lodge became part of the Cognita Schools group and continues to focus on the pursuit of excellence.
The Pre-Prep department which educates pupils from Reception to Year 2 was opened in 2010 and now contains over 90 children with two form entry in each year group.
In 2016, the Hale building was opened comprising 5 new classrooms and a state of the art Science Laboratory.
In June 2017, the school was inspected by SIS and was graded 'Outstanding in All Areas'. Please see the Inspection Report link below
Mrs Judy Waite - Judy joined the school as Deputy Head, Academic in 2010 and was appointed Head in January 2016.
Our Aims
Milbourne Lodge is committed to providing the highest educational standards for our pupils.
We achieve this by:
· Promoting quality, excellence and the highest standards of education for all pupils in order to ensure they reach their full potential and receive the highest standards of teaching and learning.
· Creating a positive and caring atmosphere and environment in which pupils are encouraged and enabled to develop their skills, talents and interests to the full; intellectually, physically and spiritually, regardless of social circumstances, age or religion.
· Providing a safe and caring community in which all individuals are valued and respected and to strive for the highest standards in pastoral care.
· Engendering a spirit of learning so that pupils regard education as a lifelong process.
· Instilling in pupils the values of respect for each other, responsibility for their own actions and self-discipline.
· Placing importance on the traditional values of politeness, good manners and sportsmanship. Core values include respect, honesty and kindness and pupils are encouraged to treat others as they would like to be treated themselves.
· Celebrating the achievements of individuals in all areas of school and community life.
· Providing equal access to all for equal opportunities.
The children make exceptional progress from their different starting points and most exceed the level expected development for their age. The lively activities and high quality practical resources contribute to an outstanding EYFS’.
- SIS Inspector, June 2017Milbourne Lodge provides an outstanding education for its pupils. The pupils’ academic attainment is very high and their achievements are exceptional"
- SIS Inspector, June 2017Thank you all so much for the really wonderful welcome we all received yesterday, everyone really appreciated how much organisation went in to make it very special for us 'Old Boys'! It was also great to see the School in such a vibrant and engaged atmosphere, I hope the pupils appreciate just how lucky they are. We all felt the spirit of Milbourne was as strong as ever under passionate leadership and ,clearly, a very supportive staff. The children who escorted us on the tour were confident, polite, genuinely interested in hearing about our days at the School and are great ambassadors for a Milbourne education.
- Mr A Weiss, Old Milbournian - 1958I was thrilled to see how brilliantly you`re keeping the flag flying and moving forward in what is clearly the most nurturing and positive way.
- Mr N Handel, Old Milbournian - 1958It’s our role to develop the very best in every child. We do this by providing many opportunities for individual attention. We use all our resources and ensure that we make the very best out of every opportunity that our special Milbourne Lodge atmosphere generates.
- Mrs Judy Waite, Head