One In A Million Free School
Bradford, United Kingdom
About One In A Million Free School
About One In A Million Free School
We are delighted that you have shown an interest in our unique and popular secondary Free School.
One In A Million Free School was last inspected by Ofsted on 13-14th June 2023 and was judged as requires improvements. Previous to this, the school was inspected 20-21st March 2018 and received a good judgement under the previous framework.
OIAM Free School opened in September 2013. We are a small secondary school with classes sizes of no more than 26 students. Our school is now fully populated. Each year we are oversubscribed for places, but we will remain a small school.
One In A Million Free School is part of One In A Million which is a Bradford based charity that engages predominantly with disadvantaged children and young people, through Sports, Arts and Enterprise. Our core values of compassion, honesty, integrity and excellence are at the heart of all we do. Our name reflects our philosophy: every child is valued and unique.
Relationships are key to our offer and we will always adopt a family approach so that students feel valued and connected.
Our curriculum is broad and balanced, ensuring students acquire strong basic skills in literacy and numeracy, personal, social and emotional learning and create ‘character’. We develop themed pathways in Sports, Arts and Enterprise. Our school day ensures quality time for personal, instructional, conceptual and collaborative learning experiences.
Our staff nurture and develop a deep sense of self-worth, pride and ambition in all our students. All students in our school will be seen as unique - as ‘one in a million’.
Since One In A Million started its first community project in Canterbury, Bradford, in 2006, we now deliver formal education and community programmes to over 2,300 children and young people every week.
Our ‘Hub and Spoke’ vision places our Free School at the centre of what we do.
For more information, and our current vacancies, visit our website: oiam.org/freeschool