Phoenix Primary and Secondary School
Tower Hamlets, United Kingdom
About Phoenix Primary and Secondary School
Phoenix School is a well-established special school, which offers a unique service to the children of Tower Hamlets. It is a caring, well-ordered school, which encourages mutual respect between staff and students. We admit children and young people with severe language and communication difficulties whose needs lie within the autistic spectrum. The school has a multi ethnic population, which reflects the diversity of the borough.
We offer a rich and stimulating curriculum, which is individually tailored reflecting good practice in an environment that supports the students’ learning. The school offers a range of sensory and therapeutic interventions and a multidisciplinary approach to student needs. The school has developed a holistic approach working in partnership other agencies, parents and families to have their needs met from one centre. There is a strong focus on maintaining good relationships between home and school. We encourage respect for others, good manners and tolerance.
The school is known locally for its positive links with the wider community. It celebrates the faiths of the multi-ethnic community of the school and its surroundings
There is a commitment to sharing our learning with other communities and in turn learning through the partnership. We have alliances with schools in Bangladesh and in India following visits from colleagues to us and to them.
Phoenix School is a Rights Respecting School. We implement the UN convention of the rights of the child and ensure that students are taught about their rights. As adults, it is our responsibility to ensure that we are honouring children's rights at all times, and that we are modelling rights respecting behaviour and values in class and around the school. All classrooms have visual reinforcement regarding children's rights, and it is important that all staff are aware of this and reinforce this issue through their practice.
We believe it is important for students to achieve their full potential and importance is placed upon achievement at all levels. Student achievement is celebrated and positive rewards are used to promote and encourage good behaviour and learning.
There is a caring yet purposeful atmosphere within the school and there is a balance of
focus between welfare and achievement for all. The overall aims for students who attend Phoenix are no different to the aims for those attending mainstream schools. There are however clear differences in terms of resourcing, organisation and the emphasis on social, emotional and academic needs. At Phoenix, we aim to give all students equality of opportunity and this is clearly stated in our mission statement:
“to offer a positive, life enhancing education, providing opportunities for the development of each individual potential towards a fulfilling adult life”.
Phoenix School was inspected by OFSTED on April 2024. The school was rated as Outstanding across all areas.
In February 2023 Phoenix School obtained accreditation from The National Autistic Society. This has now been achieved in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010 2013, 2016 and 2023. The Autism Accreditation Programme is designed to improve the quality of education and care for people with an Autistic Spectrum Disorder. The standards are unique in promoting excellence in both policy and practice presenting a framework for continuous development. Phoenix was awarded a commendation for its excellent work across the school.
The Governing Body of the school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people, and staff. The Executive Headteacher must ensure that the highest priority is given to following all safeguarding guidance and regulations. The successful candidate will require an enhanced DBS clearance. All of the school's Safeguarding and Child Protection policies are available on the school's website. We welcome applications from suitably skilled candidates regardless of ethnicity, gender, disability, sexuality, religion or age.
“to offer a positive, life enhancing education, providing opportunities for the development of each individual potential towards a fulfilling adult life”.
- Mission Statement