Raynes Park High School
Merton, United Kingdom
About Raynes Park High School
We are committed to excellence and our mission is to develop resilient, respectful young people who make exceptional progress and achieve their full potential. Our unrelenting focus is to provide the best possible educational experience for our students within a well-ordered and purposeful learning environment.
We have very high expectations of our students and our ethos for learning and achievement is based on exceptional teaching, a challenging curriculum and high standards of behaviour. Through a culture of ambition and success, everyone at RPHS is driven towards continuous self and school improvement.
We also strive to provide a first class experience outside of the classroom. There is a wide and varied range of enrichment and extra-curricular opportunities and these contribute as much to the development and success of our students as their academic experiences. We are the first state school in the country to be recognised as a BECSLink community and as part of this association; we have been awarded Tim Henman Scholarships for talented students to pursue their interests out of school.
The school has made rapid improvements in recent years; our most recent Ofsted inspection rated us as good in all categories and we are committed to further driving up standards in our quest to be exceptional in all that we do.
“The Sixth Form is good. It promotes good learning and achievement. Students are well informed of the routes available to them when leaving school. They receive good information, advice and guidance to help them make the right choices to succeed.”
- Ofsted“Behaviour in lessons and around the school is good so that the school is a peaceful, harmonious community.”
- Ofsted“Completing my NQT year at Raynes Park has allowed me to experiment with my teaching style and decide on the kind of teacher I want to be with complete support from the English faculty and my mentor.”
- English NQT“I really enjoy working at Raynes Park High. The school is warm and welcoming and very supportive toward staff. I have had excellent CPD opportunities which I have been encouraged to take up and which have enabled me to develop professionally.”
- Member of the Finance Team“I love the challenge of meeting the needs of pupils from such a diverse intake, in terms of cultural background, ability and SEN. I also love that you are able to open their eyes to life opportunities that they never thought possible; this is best shown in the high percentage of pupils that are the first in their families to go onto University.”
- Head of Maths“I love working at Rayne's Park because it is an inclusive and forward thinking school. Staff and pupils have a passion for learning and everyone is supported to be the best that they can be. I am proud of the schools emphasis on evidence-based teaching and learning; only implementing what works and in this way, making sure that any initiative implemented is to support students to be successful. Students are very appreciative of how hard teachers work for them and this is what makes it such a rewarding place to be.”
- Lead Practitioner