Rugby Free Secondary School
Warwickshire, United Kingdom
About Rugby Free Secondary School
Welcome to Rugby Free Secondary School
‘Pupils benefit from a school community that includes pupils from a wide range of different backgrounds and cultures. There is a culture in which pupils see these differences as a positive thing. Uniqueness is valued and celebrated. Pupils feel confident ‘to be themselves’ at Rugby Free Secondary School. (Ofsted ‘Good’: July 2021)’
At Rugby Free Secondary School, we aim to foster kindness and pride, whilst maximising our academic and personal potential. We believe that all of our students should be happy and safe, whilst demonstrating the limitless endeavour and resilience required to succeed by striving for excellence. To achieve these goals, our school ethos is underpinned by the foundations of mutual respect, positive relationships and genuine curiosity. This is encompassed in our educational philosophy of creating more articulate, organised and progressive learners, and the desire to create both independent and collaborative learners who are proud to be educated at Rugby Free Secondary School. Alongside this, we focus on broadening our students’ core subject knowledge and understanding of the wider world. As a consequence, quality-first Teaching and Learning is at the centre of our school’s ethos, and is the key priority for all staff. Our aim is for teachers to deliver high-quality lessons to all year groups, whilst also being supported to develop through pertinent and purposeful internal and external CPD that is bespoke. Learning is integral to everything we do at RFSS. We ensure that all of our students, regardless of gender, ethnicity or ability, receive the best possible learning experiences, to enable them to achieve and maximise their potential. Here at RFSS, we continually support students to develop a love of learning to help them become learners for life, in order to equip them with the knowledge and skills that they will need in the real-world. This is also the case with our teaching staff, who continuously develop and update their own pedagogical practices, through Action Research projects and other bespoke professional development sessions.
Please find below link to our website with the latest Ofsted report when we were graded as ‘Good’.
Our Values are:
- Kindness – The quality of friendliness, generosity, consideration, honesty
- Collaboration – The belief that working and learning with others will lead to greater success
- Curiosity – A strong desire to know and to learn
- Resilience - The ability to recover quickly and learn from the difficulties we face
- Respect - To appreciate the importance of understanding and admiration for others and self
- Endeavour - The belief that hard work is needed to achieve something we can be proud of.