St Bernard's Catholic High School
Cumbria, United Kingdom
About St Bernard's Catholic High School
St. Bernard’s Catholic High School is a mixed, non-selective Roman Catholic secondary school situated in Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria. There are approximately 700 students at the school between the ages of 11-16.
St. Bernard’s Catholic High School was established in 1979 as a result of a merge of two local schools.
Mr D Vince
Values and vision
St Bernard’s Catholic High School wants to provide children across Barrow-in-Furness a supportive and caring learning environment for which they can grow and develop into confident young adults. It wishes for pupils to leave fully prepared for the responsibilities, opportunities and experiences after secondary school and to have the confidence to succeed to the best of their ability. The Catholic faith is at the heart of the secondary school’s values and it’s motto is: "to work is to pray”. The school's ethos is based on two core Gospel values: love and service. St Bernard’s Catholic High School wants pupils from all backgrounds and faiths to feel welcome and doesn’t tolerate discrimination on any level. It holds a Science Specialist school status, along with a Healthy Schools award and Sports England sportsmark.
“The behaviour of students is good. The vast majority of students behave well in lessons and around the school. Students are polite and courteous to each other, staff and visitors. The school’s ethos and values underpin good behaviour and encourage students to become respectful and courteous citizens. Students are given opportunities to grow spiritually and morally by exploring their values and beliefs. For instance, students are regularly encouraged to raise money for charity throughout the academic year”.
View St. Bernard’s Catholic High School’s latest Ofsted report