St Cuthbert's Catholic High School

St. Helens, United Kingdom

Location: St. Helens, United Kingdom
Type: Mainstream School
Phase: Secondary
Funding status: State - Voluntary Aided
Gender: Mixed
Age range: 11 - 16 years

About St Cuthbert's Catholic High School

A warm welcome to St Cuthbert’s Catholic High School.

A warm welcome to St. Cuthbert’s.  It is a privilege to introduce myself as Headteacher of St. Cuthbert’s Catholic High School.

We are a Catholic 11-16 High School in the heart of the community and wonderful things happen at our school every day.  Our school has a rich, exciting, broad and balanced curriculum which is expertly sequenced to get the very best from our students.  Our teaching and learning is high quality and research-led, and our Pastoral support ensures that all of our children are happy, safe and cared for.

At St. Cuthbert’s we challenge our whole school family to live out our core values (which are based on the Gospel Values), every day.  We teach our students to have the courage to stand up for what is right, the commitment to know more and be more, the compassion to respect and understand others, and the challenge to work together as one community.

We are proud that our school is well known for its care and recognition of each individual child, its warmth of relationships and its academic excellence irrespective of ability.  We are determined to develop the whole child at St. Cuthbert’s through our strong Personal Development offer, along with a vibrant extra-curricular and educational visits programme.

Our Vision is clear and our Mission is lived out daily.  We are a school where everyone is valued, where everyone matters and where everyone is encouraged to ‘live life in all its fulness’ (John 10:10)

St. Cuthbert’s is truly more than a school.

If you have any questions about our school please do not hesitate to get in touch.

We are St Cuthbert's. We are more than a school.

Our Golden Rule

"Treat others as you would like to be treated!" (Matthew 7:12)

Our Mission

St Cuthbert's is a Catholic High School, in which students, staff, governors and friends will work together as a Christian family to live the message of the Good News of Jesus Christ to love God and our neighbour (Mark 12:29-31) by:

learning to know and accept the love of God by the way we treat each other and work together (Matthew 7:12)

respecting and embracing all cultures and recognising that as individuals we are unique (Genesis 1:26)

developing the gifts, talents and aspirations of all students and staff (Matthew 25:14-30)

providing the best education for all students and helping them to live life in all its fullness (John 10:10)

accepting the support of those in our community who work for the good of the school (Luke 10:25-37)

reaching out to those who need our help in our world (Mark1:39-42)

protecting and taking pride in all aspects of our environment so that we become stewards of God's creation (Psalm 8)

Our Vision

A vibrant community uniquely created by God, which embraces everyone, especially those in need and celebrate difference. Enabled by a staff dedicated to our Catholic ethos and a culture of excellence, our young people will be inspired to know more, and be more..

Ofsted report

View St Cuthbert's Catholic High School’s latest Ofsted report

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Address: Berrys Lane, Sutton, St. Helens, Merseyside, WA9 3HE, United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 1744 678 123
What people say about us

I love teaching English because it helps students to develop their literacy skills in preparation for life outside of school. Plus, the poems, plays and novels we read hold really important messages about life and how we should treat each other. English is the best subject because we read texts which help us to develop our imaginations; which help us to discover new information to continue our learning and which transport us to places we have never been.

- Curriculum Leader, English

I love teaching maths. Watching a student grapple with a problem and then the excitement and pride they show when they succeed makes my job immensely rewarding. Maths becomes exciting when the students can place mathematics into a real life context. I enjoy the challenge of bringing their learning alive.

- Curriculum Leader, Maths

I love St Cuthbert’s because all the staff are encouraging, enthusiastic and supportive of all our goals for the future.

- Current student

The teachers were at my side from day 1. I would definitely recommend this school in a heartbeat.

- Past student

Our youngest daughter left today and our oldest three years ago. We cannot praise this school enough, from day one to today it has been an exceptional school with teachers that are proud of their students and it truly shows how dedicated they are. The girls enjoyed their studies and the teachers. You make it personal and fun for them. Thank you so much

- Parent

I love teaching science because no two days are the same. There are so many ways to show how different scientific principles can be proven. It’s always so rewarding when pupils prove these for themselves through their own practical work. Science is the best subject because it never stops. Science allows us to keep asking questions about how everything in our world works. There are no limits.

- Curriculum Leader, Science