St John Vianney School

Trafford, United Kingdom

Location: Trafford, United Kingdom
Type: Special Needs
Phase: Special Needs
Funding status: State - Non-Maintained
Gender: Mixed
Age range: 5 - 19 years

About St John Vianney School

St John Vianney RC School is the Diocese of Salford’s Special School, catering for children and young people aged 5-19 with additional learning needs, communication difficulties and, those on the Autistic spectrum. Our very special school is widely recognised for its excellent educational and pastoral provision.

We pride ourselves on being a happy, caring and welcoming community, where the learning environment and the wide range of opportunities offered help every child reach their full potential.

The curriculum is taught using a variety of multi-sensory approaches to help meet the needs of individuals, including those on the Autistic Spectrum. It is recognised that each learner has a unique learning style and particular attention is given to the requirements of each individual child.

Lessons and activities are undertaken in small groups, or on a one to one basis as necessary, to ensure that the focus is bespoke for each learner.

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Address: Ryebank Road, Firswood, Stretford, Manchester, Lancashire, M16 0EX, United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 161 8817843
What people say about us

The quality of teaching is a strength of the school. Teachers have high expectations of pupils from Key Stage 1 to the 6th Form.


Pupils develop their knowledge and independence well through appropriately challenging activities. These prepare them well for the transition to adult life.


All stakeholders are united in their commitment to the pupils and dedicate themselves to ensure that there is a distinct Catholic learning environment that nurtures everyone to develop their talents to the full.

- Section 48 Inspection
Positions available at St John Vianney School