St Joseph's Catholic Academy
South Tyneside, United Kingdom
About St Joseph's Catholic Academy
St Joseph's Catholic academy is a growing and now oversubscribed Catholic secondary school.
We are very proud of the academic achievements of our students at all key stages, but we also have a clear focus on developing the ‘whole child’. Our Catholic ethos is at the heart of our school community, and strengthens us in all that we do. Also, our FLAME character development programme keeps our focus firmly on developing children holistically, while supporting staff and students’ wellbeing.
Our September 2022 Ofsted inspection report said:
‘St Joseph’s Catholic Academy, Hebburn is a Good school where pupils value their teachers and the Leadership team invests time in all staff, ensuring they feel supported with their workload and wellbeing.’
‘All pupils, including those with special education needs and/or disabilities, benefit from studying an ambitious curriculum and from having dedicated lessons that help them to develop as individuals.’ ‘There is a settled atmosphere in lessons and around school, and lessons are purposeful.’
St Joseph’s Catholic Academy is part of Bishop Chadwick Catholic Education Trust which is one of four Trusts in the Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle. The Trust includes five Secondary and 25 Primary Schools across South Tyneside, Sunderland and East Durham.
Mr J Crowe
Vision and Values
St. Joseph’s Catholic Academy is a Christian community where respect and co-operation are reflected in everything we do.
”Caritas Christi Urget Nos’
‘The love of Christ spurs us on’
Faith Learning Attitude Mutual respect Enrichment
Have FAITH in God, yourself and others
Be ready to LEARN by engaging in the classroom every day
Rise to challenges with a positive ATTITUDE
RESPECT our school community and support and celebrate others
Engage in ENRICHMENT and charity work