St Julie's Catholic High School
Liverpool, United Kingdom
About St Julie's Catholic High School
St Julie's Catholic High School is a denominational girls' secondary school in Woolton, Liverpool. The school operates a collaborative co-educational sixth form in conjunction with St Francis Xavier College in Liverpool.
At its most recent inspection, there were 978 students on the St Julie’s school roll, including 177 enrolled in 16-19 study programmes. This is a Notre Dame school named for St Julie Billiart, the founder of the Sisters of Notre Dame education institute. The school motto is "Let them be taught what is necessary for life".
Kate McCourt
Values and vision
At St Julie's Catholic High School, academic excellence is standard and the focus is on nurturing the whole child. Teachers work hard to develop independent young women and men, as well as strong partnerships between home and school.
St. Julie’s aims to be a Catholic learning community which respects and embraces the diversity of all God's people. Opportunities are provided for all individuals to discover their potential and to develop and share their unique talents. Friendship and enjoyment are experienced by all and a warm welcome is offered to those who visit.
Ofsted report
“The school’s work to promote pupils’ personal development and welfare is good. Pupils feel safe in school and this is endorsed by almost all parents who completed the online survey, Parent View, and by all of the staff who responded to the inspection questionnaire. Pupils value the high visibility of staff around the school and comment that the school has a calm feeling.”