St Michael's Catholic School
Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom
About St Michael's Catholic School
St Michael’s Catholic School, based in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, is a religious, voluntary-aided, all-through school for pupils aged 3 to 18.
Executive Headteacher
Mrs Lou baker
Values and vision
St Michael’s Catholic School educates its students through the teachings of Christ. The school believes in developing students' spirituality and faith to prepare them for adult life. It also aims to ensure pupils have respect for one another. By praying regularly and worshipping as a collective, children are able to develop a better understanding of the themes throughout the liturgical year.
Ofsted report
“Teaching is usually good and some is outstanding. Teachers have good subject knowledge, present introductions clearly to classes and support students well with their learning. Teachers check on learning regularly in lessons and adapt activities where necessary so progress remains good. Students have positive attitudes to learning and behave well around the school. They say they feel safe in the school and they have a good awareness of how to keep themselves safe in different situations.