St Oscar Romero Catholic School
West Sussex, United Kingdom
About St Oscar Romero Catholic School
Headteacher's Welcome Message
I am extremely proud to introduce and welcome you to St Oscar Romero’s Catholic School.
Our aim is simple, we want to be the best school in the country. This means that we can ‘hand on heart’ say that our students get a better deal than if they attended another school.
St Oscar Romero Catholic School is a successful, over-subscribed school, enjoying a strong reputation within the local and Catholic communities. There are currently 1080 students on roll and we have waiting lists in all year groups. Last year, 84% of students achieved at least a Grade 4 (equivalent to a C grade) in both English and Maths.
In September 2024, the school opened a Sixth Form offering a traditional academic curriculum with some vocational qualifications.
We believe in “learning together” and there is a great emphasis placed on relationships and respect within our community. We have an extremely strong code of conduct, standards of behaviour are good and our students enjoy learning. The appointment is subject to an enhanced DBS check and health check and verified professional references.
We are a strong Catholic community in which every member of staff contributes to the spiritual and moral life of the school. We do this as role models in our relationships with students and in the way in which we work together. If you decide to apply for the post, you should be confident that you are able to support the Catholic ethos and principles of St Oscar Romero Catholic School.