St Peter's 13-18
York, United Kingdom
About St Peter's 13-18
St Peter’s School, for children aged 13 to 18 years, is underpinned by academic rigour and challenge. Through outstanding teaching, first rate facilities, high expectations and sheer determination on the part of its pupils, St Peter’s achieves considerable success across a broad curriculum.
The four vibrant and successful boarding houses for boys and girls lend vitality to the pastoral life of the School. Inspiration from living in close proximity to a cultured and historic city adds further richness to the pupils’ lives. The Ofsted inspection of Boarding in December 2010 found the School’s provision to be Outstanding.
The School Chapel stands at the centre of the campus and regular services (three mornings a week) give pupils and staff the opportunity to reflect together on the spiritual values of the community and on the meaning and significance of what is happening locally, nationally and globally.
Music, Art and Drama are central to the cultural and academic depth of the School. The Sports programme is extensive, providing a wide range of choice for both girls and boys. Results are excellent, and St Peter’s pupils’ co-curricular achievements are considerable. The excellence of the teaching and facilities allows pupils to thrive.
The school’s website can be visited at www.stpetersyork.org.uk. The most recent inspection report is available on the ISI website.
St Peter's School, York, offers outstanding education for children aged 2-18. Visit the School website to find out more about St Peter's 2-8 and St Peter's 8-13.