The Abbey School
Surrey, United Kingdom
About The Abbey School
The Abbey School is a strong and vibrant special school with places for just over 130 students aged 11-16 years who have learning difficulties and additional needs. Working in a special school is extremely rewarding, and our students continue to amaze us on a daily basis with their attitudes, achievements and behaviour.
We converted to Academy status on 1st September 2018 and are part of the Weydon Multi Academy Trust (WMAT), a dynamic, forward-thinking and innovative Trust. We are currently seven schools – three special schools and four secondaries within the Farnham, Godalming and Haslemere areas.
There are regular opportunities for collaborative working, CPD and the sharing of expertise between staff across the schools. There are also opportunities for staff to join a range of WMAT working groups to further their own continuing professional development.
It is a very exciting time to join our team as we move towards the next stage of our development within WMAT.