The Bolsover School
Derbyshire, United Kingdom
About The Bolsover School
The Bolsover School is a co-educational, non-selective, non-denominational secondary academy for children aged 11-16. It is situated near Chesterfield in Derbyshire and there are currently 840 pupils on its roll. The Bolsover School was rated “good” by Ofsted in its 2016 inspection.
On arrival at The Bolsover School, all students are assigned a tutor group and a House. Each House is identified by a colour, which is also incorporated in the House tie. The five Houses provides pastoral support and academic monitoring, as well as encouraging a competitive angle used to raise standards in areas such as sport, attendance and academic success.
Head of School, Mr M Hall
Values and vision
The Bolsover School aims to provide an education that enables individuals to take their rightful place in the 21st century world. It aims to do this by developing core British values and an ethos of tolerance, respect and commitment. The secondary school hopes to furnish students with a life-long desire for learning and the independence of character to succeed. The school’s motto is “Nothing but the best”.
The Bolsover School will officially become part of the Redhill Academy Trust from the 1st February 2018. The Redhill Academy was the first secondary school in Nottinghamshire to gain an “outstanding” Ofsted rating for the quality of teaching, and is now the only one to have achieved this twice in succession.
Ofsted report
“Leaders have rightly made improving teaching their priority to drive improvements across the school. A wide range of training opportunities, underpinned by a clear philosophy of teaching, has contributed to greater consistency and a greater proportion of high-quality teaching, especially in English and mathematics more recently. In addition, leaders’ commitment to being outward-facing and learning from best practice in other schools has been a successful strategy."
“Pupils are given excellent guidance to prepare them for the next stage of their education. Impartial advice and guidance are delivered through external professional support and regular trips to colleges and universities. Pupils have a good understanding of the available choices to them post-16. For the last three years, no pupil left the school not in education, employment or training (NEET).”