Unity College

Lancashire, United Kingdom

Location: Lancashire, United Kingdom
Type: Mainstream School
Phase: Secondary
Funding status: State - Community
Gender: Mixed
Age range: 11 - 16 years

About Unity College

Our vision based around three simple words :


PASSION: Passion for Life - Passion for Excellence 

Uniting the Community - United in Learning 

Respect for Yourself - Respect for Others 

Unity College will offer a safe and caring learning environment for all. We are committed to making education an enjoyable, rewarding and stimulating experience, developing an ethos where students have a passion for learning. We aim to create a culture where it is ‘cool’ to learn and to achieve. Unity College students and staff have high expectations of themselves and the confidence to achieve their goals. Students and staff have a real sense of ownership and a true commitment to Unity College. 

As a learning community, we believe that improving the quality of learning and teaching is the key to genuine and sustainable school improvement. The curriculum at Unity College provides opportunities for all students to learn and to achieve. We aim to promote students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and prepare all students for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life. At Unity College we offer a rich, diverse and challenging series of educational experiences which will form the basis of both personal and academic development, with a key focus on preparing young people for adult life and the world of work. The College’s strength in the Arts will underpin the whole curriculum. The curriculum is supported by coherent and positive discipline and behaviour policies. By providing a caring, purposeful, inspiring and challenging environment, we will help all students to feel motivated to excel, to achieve their potential and become responsible citizens in our community. We expect every student to leave Unity College with a strong sense of personal worth, be suitably skilled and qualified to either access a place in further or higher education, or take a place in full time employment. 

As a member of the Burnley Learning Partnership we will work collaboratively as part of an 11–19 continuum, aiming to raise attainment, increasing participation beyond the compulsory phase and to create an ethos for life long learning. We are totally committed to becoming an extended school, where we will offer a diverse range of leisure and learning opportunities for the wider community. We hope that Unity College will become the hub of the local community. 

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Address: Towneley Holmes, Burnley, Lancashire, BB11 3DF, United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 1282 683010
What people say about us

‘Unity College is a Good School with Outstanding features’

- OFSTED June 2014
Positions available at Unity College