Utahloy International School Guangzhou
Guangdong, China
About Utahloy International School Guangzhou
Our Mission...
• maintaining a challenging and balanced, international curriculum;
• providing students with clear criteria for all assignments and assessments;
• ensuring monitoring, recording and analysis of assessment tasks;
• teaching to encourage active learning, open enquiry, critical and creative thinking, expression, reflection, independence of thought and decision making;
• ensuring a continuum is maintained through IB PYP, MYP and DP;
• offering a rich extra curricular programme;
• providing for gifted and talented students and students with special learning needs to be supported in concrete and effective ways;
• recruiting, retaining and developing excellent international teachers;
• providing opportunities for students to develop skills and perform to a high level in sport and performing arts;
• providing resources to meet the needs of all students, and teachers;
• integrating technology to enhance learning experiences.
Social & Emotional
The aims are achieved through the following objectives:
• living and modelling the IB Learner Profile within our school learning community;
• providing a safe and healthy environment, offering pastoral care and services to support the well-being of all;
• providing opportunities for students to reflect on themselves as individuals, particularly their strengths as learners and how they learn most effectively;
• providing opportunities for students to be successful and be recognised for both effort and achievement in all they do;
• maintaining a school spirit characterised by open, positive and respectful relationships and a sense of belonging.
Learning Environment
The aims are achieved through the following objectives:
• maintaining efficient and effective organisational structures and systems, including admissions, SEN, staff and student welfare;
• incorporating a continuous cycle of self-review and strategic planning;
• ensuring information is updated frequently and all communication is open and effective;
• supporting an active UPTA that helps to welcome new families, organise social events and support school initiatives;
• developing and maintaining facilities for students, staff and families to enjoy.
Global Citizenship
The aims are achieved through the following objectives:
• advancing a curriculum with content that is overtly global across all areas of learning;
• providing opportunities for the development and sustenance of strong relationships with the host country and international communities;
• developing and maintaining Mother Tongue languages;
• providing opportunities for every student to learn the host country language;
• promoting multilingualism and multi cultural literacy;
• giving opportunities for students, staff and families to make a positive difference in the lives of others through the concepts of active empathy and service;
• promoting an attitude of responsibility for the guardianship of the planet;
• promoting an understanding of what it means to be a global citizen and a positive agent of change;
• developing and maintaining an alumni association to keep past parents, students and staff in contact.