Wallington High School for Girls
Sutton, United Kingdom
About Wallington High School for Girls
Wallington High School for Girls is a secondary grammar school with a sixth form located in Sutton, Greater London. Since September 2015, Wallington High School for Girls has been part of the Nonsuch and Wallington Education Trust.
Wallington High School for Girls has established transport links and is accessible via the nearby Wallington rail station. The school is twinned with Wallington County Grammar School for Boys, located 1.5 miles away. Wallington High was founded in 1888. A time capsule was buried in the grounds in a 125th anniversary celebration in 2013.
Tracey O’Brien
Values and vision
Wallington High School for Girls has an excellent academic reputation and provides first-class care, guidance, support and development so that everyone enjoys a positive experience during their time at the school and leaves well prepared for life beyond.
The secondary school is ambitious for its students and wants them to leave prepared to contribute to the world. The school motto, "Heirs of the Past, Makers of the Future", reflects this. The school is a happy, positive place to study and benefits from a multi-cultural community which brings a rich diversity to the school.
Ofsted report
“The atmosphere around the school is calm and orderly. The pupils are mature, courteous and polite. They have very high aspirations and, consequently, work diligently and hard to achieve their goals. They are proud of their school, actively participate in the wealth of extra-curricular opportunities and enjoy assuming leadership responsibilities. Staff have high aspirations for pupils and fully support them to achieve well.”