Warlingham School & Sixth Form College
Surrey, United Kingdom
About Warlingham School & Sixth Form College
Warlingham School is a thriving 11-18, mixed, comprehensive school situated on the fringe of Surrey and Greater London. The school converted to academy status in November 2012, as a ‘stand-alone’ school and then joined with four Primary Schools in May 2017 to form a cross-phase MAT. It was built in 1954 and occupies a large, attractive site on a campus which includes Hamsey Green Primary School.
The school serves the local communities of North Tandridge and South Croydon, which have a broad socio-economic mix of people. Many of the students live in Surrey and others come from the southern part of the London Borough of Croydon; most of the students live within a three-mile radius of the school. The school maintains strong links with Surrey LA services and values its partnerships with local schools. It also works collaboratively with other schools and colleges in the locality as part of the Tandridge Education Partnership and 14-19 Network.
A successful OFSTED inspection in June 2013 and re-assessments in 2017 and 2022 judged Warlingham to be a good school with outstanding elements. (See report at www.ofsted.gov.uk or on the school website at https://www.warlinghamtlt.co.uk).
There are currently approximately 1,430 students on roll including 220 in a vibrant and successful Sixth Form. The school is oversubscribed for the Year 7 intake each September. The school employs approximately 90 teachers and a similar number of support staff, representing a good gender balance and a mix of younger and more experienced staff. The governing body is very active and supportive in working alongside staff in meeting the school’s aims. There is an excellent programme for staff development at all levels including a comprehensive support programme for teachers new to the profession and middle/senior leader development activities. "Staff are proud to work at Warlingham and everyone wants the school to be the best it can be" - Ofsted 2022.
Warlingham is a school in which young people flourish both academically and socially. The motto of ‘Widening Horizons - Raising Expectations’ underpins the ethos of the school. The school has high expectations in terms of learning, behaviour and attendance, which leads to excellent academic progress. “Leaders are ambitious for pupils' learning.” – Ofsted 2022
The school also provides an environment that excites, motivates and challenges its students to place no ceiling on achievement and to develop an interest in the world around them. Its ambition is for students to leave Warlingham as successful, confident, young people ready to face all of life’s challenges and make a positive contribution to society. “Students have access to a large selection of enrichment activities outside the classroom" – Ofsted 2022
Warlingham School’s aims are:
- achieving excellence where everyone has high expectations and strives for success,
- promoting enjoyment of learning and celebration of achievement,
- fostering a healthy and safe community where individuals take responsibility for themselves and show respect for others,
- making a positive contribution to all aspects of school, family and community life, and
- creating opportunity and experiences to prepare for successful and fulfilling adult lives.
Warlingham offers a wide and varied learning experience across fourteen departments. Student numbers allow for considerable flexibility at Key Stage 4 & 5 and the options are subject to annual review depending on the needs of the students. The timetable is always based around student choices and not “pre-blocked”. Prior to that, at Key Stage 3, students are taught in a variety of ability groupings, frequently being set according to ability. College link placements provide a good platform for post-16 study for weaker students.
The curriculum is enriched by many educational visits, some of them residential, in this country and abroad. A wide variety of subject support clubs is run within school, complementing the curriculum offering and in addition to activities such as the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme.
A broad range of sporting activities, including team and individual sports, is offered, maximising use of our extensive facilities.
The school buildings and facilities have been extended in recent years. Although the main building is typical of those constructed in the 1950s (with all the associated shortcomings), there is a good range of specialist facilities. Teaching spaces are of a good standard, appropriately resourced with attractive displays. There has been significant investment in ICT facilities including interactive white boards in most classrooms and laptops, which mean most departments have their own ICT rooms as well as access to the general ICT bases in the school. Students and those teaching Sixth Form are allocated iPads. Due to the open site we are fortunate in having good outdoor PE facilities, including a floodlit synthetic turf pitch, an indoor pool and fitness suite.
Most visitors to the school comment on the purposeful learning environment and its open, friendly ethos. “Excellent relationships contribute to a supportive and positive climate for learning.” - Ofsted 2013
Our House System supports the social and academic progress of students and provides pastoral support. It also promotes friendly competition with a high level of student commitment to community and extra-curricular events.
The school is currently financially secure with an in-year balanced budget and some reserves.
Working in any school in the current climate is challenging. Warlingham aims to ensure that its staff also find their work stimulating, rewarding and, mostly, good fun!
If, on reading all of the information about the school and the post advertised, you would like to join the team at Warlingham please send in your application which will be given very serious consideration. You are very welcome to telephone to discuss aspects of the post.