Wetherby Preparatory School

Westminster, United Kingdom

Location: Westminster, United Kingdom
Type: Mainstream School
Phase: Primary
Funding status: Independent
Gender: Boys
Age range: 7 - 13 years

About Wetherby Preparatory School

About Wetherby Preparatory School

Wetherby Preparatory School is an independent, selective day school for boys aged 7 to 13. The prep school first opened in central London in 2004 and has 380 pupils on roll. The school’s motto is “Participes Civitatis” (being part of a community).

Values and vision

Wetherby Preparatory School has developed a reputation over the years as one of the most sought-after prep schools for boys in Central London. We attribute that success, of course, to a meticulously planned academic curriculum, which sees our boys continue their senior education at some of the most prestigious schools, but then there is our extraordinary range of sporting, club and excursion opportunities, which introduces our boys to such varied experiences, endowing them with the life skills to address new challenges with a spirit of optimism and flexibility of outlook. We promote a “can do” culture at our school, one in which boys are equipped with a value system that serves and supports them throughout their time with us and well into the future, helping them to become the well-balanced, responsible young men that they do.

But, this is not achieved by us in isolation. We believe strongly in a “Wetherby Community”. A productive relationship between parents and school is integral to our boys’ success story. We do not wish to keep our parents at arm’s length, indeed we welcome your engagement with us. Being a Wetherby parent is just as important as being a Wetherby boy and we look forward to meeting you and getting to know you over the years to come.

ISI Report

“Pupil’s personal development is excellent. Relationships between staff and pupils are of the highest quality. As they progress through the school, pupils learn to be tolerant, courteous and considerate of others. Behaviour is usually excellent. The boys are extremely proud of their school. They are confident in their own abilities and aspire to excellence in all areas of school life. Excellent pastoral care is provided by all staff, both teaching and non-teaching, which contributes most effectively to the pupils’ development.

The progress and achievement of pupils in lessons is excellent. This success is enhanced by dynamic, specialist teaching and the boys’ determination to succeed. They are extremely positive about the quality of education provided and have excellent attitudes to learning. The school fully meets its aim of providing ‘an education in the round’, with exceptional breadth in its extra-curriculum programme, enabling pupils to achieve highly in a great range of activities, from singing to fencing. The pupils also benefit from many day and residential visits, including several trips abroad. The excellent curriculum contributes effectively to learning with a particular strength in English and mathematics. The best teaching is excellent.”

Please view the school’s Inspection reports here:


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Address: Bryanston Square, London, W1H 2EA, United Kingdom
Positions available at Wetherby Preparatory School