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Associate Assistant Head Teacher: SENDCO

Associate Assistant Head Teacher: SENDCO

Poynton High School

Cheshire East

  • Quick apply
  • Expired
Leadership Group pay Range L7-11
Job type:
Full Time, Permanent
Start date:
January 2024
Apply by:
9 October 2023

Job overview

Poynton High is a great school, full of inspirational young people and exceptional staff. We are seeking an experienced and enthusiastic leader with the vision and passion to be our strategic lead on SEND provision and arrangements to support SEND students.

Main areas of responsibility:

  •  To lead on the statutory SENDCO responsibilities
  •  To be the strategic lead on SEND provision within the school, ensuring an ethos of inclusion and a culture of high aspirations for students with SEND
  • To embed SEND referral systems to ensure that support and intervention provided by the SEND and Learning Support team is coordinated and that resources are effectively deployed
  • To act as the champion for vulnerable groups including students with SEND, young carers and EAL students
  • To ensure that school practice is compliant with the SEND Code of Practice and other relevant statutory requirements
  • To have strategic responsibility for the accurate identification of SEND needs across the school, ensuring a rigorous and thorough assessment process
  • To be responsible for the school SEND offer, ensuring high quality targeted interventions enabling students with SEND to make good progress
  • To ensure that the students on the SEND and Learning Support Register have access to an ambitious and appropriate curriculum
  • To be responsible for tracking the progress of students with SEND, using a wide range of school data relating to progress, attainment, referrals, suspensions, detentions and attendance to identify barriers to learning
  • To deploy staff and resources according to the needs of SEND students
  • To update the Governing body on progress and developments
  • To work with Subject Leaders, LSAs and teaching staff to ensure that strategies on student SEND profiles are being used as part of the lesson planning process and are integral to teaching and learning across the school
  • To lead a programme of professional development with regard to SEND that ensures all staff have the knowledge, skills and understanding to plan teaching and learning effectively and enable students with SEND to make expected progress
  • To work with Subject Leaders to monitor, evaluate and review the quality of education across the school with regard to SEND students
  • To work with Subject Leaders to monitor academic progress of students with SEND within the school, ensuring expected progress and the provision of targeted interventions as appropriate
  • To be the strategic lead for the SEND and Learning Support Register
  • To have a strategic overview and operational involvement in the statutory reviews and applications of all students on the SEND and Learning Support register
  • To lead on evaluation and planning for the SEND provision
  • To ensure the SEND Improvement Plan has clear aims and objectives, enabling progress in all areas of SEND provision
  • To be responsible for the day to day management, control and operation of SEND provision within the school. Including effective deployment of staff and physical resources
  • To lead on parental communication and engagement in connection with Learning Support needs
  • To have a strategic overview of Access Arrangements for internal and external examinations, working with the Trust Specialist Assessor
  • To be responsible for ensuring that Learning Support Assistants have a clear understanding of their roles and that they are providing effective interactions within the classroom, facilitating learning development and independence
  • To be responsible for ensuring that teaching staff have a clear understanding of how to manage, organise and work with Learning Support Assistants within the classroom
  • To work alongside the other members of the Strategic Leadership Team (SLT) to lead our school improvement.

If you are interested in applying for the post, please complete the application form and submit a full letter of application of no more than 2 sides of A4, font 11.

Attached documents

About Poynton High School

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+44 1625 871811

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Poynton High School and Performing Arts College is an 11-18 school providing high quality education to the communities of Poynton, Disley, Adlington and Pott Shrigley. An increasing number of parents each year are also choosing to send their children to Poynton High School from further afield, and we welcome this widening community.

With 1450 students on roll, including a sixth form of over 300, our school is large and this allows us to offer a very wide range of subjects and opportunities beyond the classroom.

We are proud of the high standards we achieve academically for young people of all abilities. We are equally proud of the way we help our young people grow into responsible and healthy adults. Through Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education, Drama, Dance, Music, P.E., a thriving House system, a caring and supportive Pastoral system and a wealth of clubs and activities, we seek to fulfil our mission statement:


Poynton High School and Performing Arts College is consistently one of the highest achieving schools in the North West. Each year many of our students move on to Higher Education studying the full range of degree courses at Universities across the UK including Oxford and Cambridge. Over the years we have developed excellent relationships with many higher education establishments. At the same time as helping our older students to achieve their full academic potential, we also encourage them to work in a variety of ways with younger students in the school. In this way, we make the most of the opportunities offered by being an 11-18 educational community and all students benefit.

We believe strongly in being fully involved in our community. We work closely with our local primary schools to build curriculum and social links and, as the geographical area for our intake extends, we are developing our transition programme to help all our young people to make the transfer from primary to secondary education successfully. A Work Experience programme for all of Year 12 is also a valuable opportunity to help students learn about the world of work. We are an inclusive community and celebrate our diversity, not least in the extensive range of activities we offer which allow our students to extend their community links working with others locally, nationally and globally too.

The pastoral care of our students is a responsibility we take very seriously. To ensure each student is valued as an individual, our young people are welcomed into school by a Director of Learning for Transition and Year 7, specialising in ensuring a smooth transition to secondary school. Students stay with the same form tutor for Years 7 – 11 and their personal welfare is overseen by a team of Directors of Learning and Student Support Leaders during Years 7 -11. The Pastoral Leaders do not have a teaching commitment and they therefore ensure that parents can have personal contact with a member of staff at any point during a school day. The relationships developed in this way help us to know your children very well and to support them in making the most of the learning opportunities provided. A specialist team of staff working in the Sixth Form ensures that students receive the very best care and advice to help them prepare for their futures.

Being an 11-18 school also helps us to attract high quality teachers who want the opportunity to teach across the whole age and ability range. We go to great lengths to appoint the best teachers, because we know how crucial that is.

Students joining our Sixth Form benefit from the new state of the art Sixth Form Centre. The centre houses ICT Suites, general teaching rooms, study areas and a cafe. Students have the opportunity to study a wide range of A levels in the Sixth Form.

We aim to work with parents to bring out the best in all our young people. We have a commitment to keep parents informed of progress and always welcome contact from you.

Matthew Dean

Head Teacher

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