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Headteacher (Secondary)

Headteacher (Secondary)

Falmouth School


  • £87,253 - £98,616 per year
  • Expired
L26 - L31 - pay award pending
Job type:
Full Time, Permanent
Start date:
1 January 2025 / by negotiation
Apply by:
20 September 2024

Job overview

The Roseland Multi Academy Trust’s mission is to provide outstanding education for its communities, where everyone succeeds. Falmouth School joined the Trust on 1 September 2020. The Ofsted inspection in May 2019 designated the school as ‘Inadequate’ and this initiated the re-brokerage of their original multi academy trust.  Ofsted inspected the school again in February 2023 and the school received a ‘Requires Improvement’ Ofsted judgement and is due to be inspected again this academic year. The Trust is confident in the strengths and areas for development and the school has made significant progress since its last inspection.

Falmouth School has undergone significant change which has had a positive impact on the school and the community it serves. The school has a warm, purposeful and welcoming feeling. Students respond positively when asked about their experiences in school and that they are benefiting and enjoying their learning from the new opportunities organised within the curriculum. We are extremely proud of the progress the school has made and the outcomes for students this academic year clearly evidence the improvement journey. Although the outcomes will not be validated until later in the autumn term these are some of the key indicators taken from the SISRA collaboration: A8 50.51, P8 0.08, Basics 9-5 52.5%. The school has developed a stronger safeguarding culture and is developing a challenging and aspirational learning environment through its focus on Quality of Education, which will continue to enable students to progress rapidly and attain outstanding outcomes.

We are looking for an experienced, motivational and effective leader who will further develop and drive the success of Falmouth School and who will share the values and ethos of the Trust to achieve this. The person appointed must have strategic leadership, management and organisation expertise of an academy. Together with the Trust and staff of Falmouth School you will strive to create a community which works together to ensure all students develop the skills, confidence and knowledge to achieve success at school and beyond.

If you are ambitious to be a Headteacher then this is an exciting opportunity. We are looking for a leader who can think and deliver strategically but one that understands all stakeholders, can communicate with passion, authority and will get involved operationally so that they win the hearts and minds of all.  

Attached documents

About Falmouth School

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+44 1326 372386

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Falmouth School is a friendly, inclusive and highly successful school of 980 students, including a growing Sixth Form. Our ethos is that students achieve their best when they enjoy their learning. We believe every student has a talent, and it is our duty to guide and support each individual on their journey towards greatness. We are proud to be an ambitious 11-18 school with an excellent sixth form in a beautiful setting that serves the historic and vibrant town of Falmouth.

Falmouth has been shaped and influenced by its strong connection to the sea. Combining a fascinating maritime heritage and modern creativity, Falmouth is one of the South West’s leading cultural and festival destinations. It is framed by Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONBs) along the Helford and Fal Rivers and the Roseland Peninsula, located on the outstanding South West Coast Path, a magnet for walkers, picnickers and families alike.

Our school strive for passion for learning, thirst for knowledge and courage to embrace all challenges in learning with resolute determination. We expect everyone to be able to enjoy a learning environment that is disruption free and where exciting learning happens every minute of the day and we all pursue these highest standards: adults and students. We expect everyone to achieve their best every day and our sense of belonging is mighty as we are a ‘Falmouth Family’.

Our vision is that every adult deserves to enjoy working in an extraordinary school. Our vision for all students:

  • Every student deserves to accomplish extraordinary success.
  • Every student deserves to enjoy an extraordinary educational experience.
  • Every student deserves to flourish in an extraordinary school.

We expect everyone to showcase British Values, foster a collective responsibility and the highest standards towards others within and beyond our learning community.

Falmouth School and Sixth Form is part of The Roseland Multi-Academy Trust, consisting of three secondary schools, two primary schools and a Teaching School Hub. The Trust’s mission is "to provide an outstanding education for our communities, where everyone succeeds" and we put our staff at the heart of everything we do to create a team spirit in our highly successful schools.

Within the Trust we have been successful in establishing a Teaching School Hub through the recognised outstanding provision provided by The Roseland Academy. In Cornwall, the East Cornwall Teaching School Hub works in partnership with the West Cornwall Teaching School Hub, creating OneCornwall Teaching School Hub. This collaboration has been driven by leaders of education in Cornwall to ensure that all schools have access to the highest quality CPD and teacher training opportunities through OneCornwall. The establishment of the Teaching School Hub has created exciting opportunities for our staff.

We recognise the importance of ensuring staff within our Trust feel valued, and their work is recognised and celebrated. We invest and plan our CPD to ensure quality and opportunity for development. Through our staff development processes, we encourage every member of staff to lead in their role and firmly believe success starts with a great team. The investment in quality staff CPD and staff wellbeing creates the positive learning environment within our school setting that enables our children to thrive and succeed.

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