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Subject Leader for Drama

Subject Leader for Drama

Bishop's Hatfield Girls' School


  • Expired
MPS/UPS + London Fringe - TLR 2a (£3,388)
Job type:
Full Time, Part Time, Permanent
Start date:
April or September 2025
Apply by:
20 January 2025

Job overview

 Required for April or September 2025 a well-qualified teacher of Drama to teach across the age and ability range. Drama is part of our friendly and supportive Expressive Arts Faculty which also comprises Art, Art Graphics and Music, each of which has a track record of excellent results. We are looking for an enthusiastic and imaginative individual to join a committed team and to lead the development of Drama. Applicants interested in teaching other subjects in addition to Drama are welcome to apply and should outline this in their application statement. We encourage continuous professional development and career progression for all our staff. 

A passion for creativity and a desire to lead and champion opportunities for creative expression both in and outside the classroom will be vital in this role. The successful candidate will have a vision for creative events that can enrich and inspire our pupils. The enrichment offered to pupils at Bishop’s is extensive, including school productions, local, national and international trips and visits as well as clubs and themed events in school. Expressive Arts subjects make a huge contribution to the life of the school and we are looking for a candidate who has a vision for how creativity can be extended and celebrated. Expressive Arts subjects are already popular, but there are opportunities to expand this further.

Visitors tell us that our school is a friendly, lively and stimulating community where we emphasise the importance of the individual’s contribution and take pleasure in sharing and celebrating achievement.  They commend the good behaviour of the pupils and their thirst for knowledge. Bishop’s is a diverse community that offers mutual support and encouragement and expects everyone within it to respect others’ heritage, cultures, religion and beliefs.  We hope that the values, self-discipline and sense of personal worth that pupils gain here will be a support throughout their lives as British and Global Citizens. We welcome applications from candidates from racially minoritised backgrounds and from other groups that are underrepresented in the UK education system.

Bishop’s Hatfield Girls’ School is heavily over-subscribed and has around 950 pupils on roll including the Sixth Form.  We are fully committed to our values of teamwork, respect, honesty, trust, kindness and ambition.  The school completed its most recent Ofsted inspection in December 2022 and was judged to continue to be Outstanding. However, we are not driven by Ofsted and our priorities lie in supporting our pupils to develop their knowledge, skills and character through the ‘Bishop’s 360’ model.  The school has benefited from a total rebuild on the same site and enjoys excellent state of the art facilities including a Drama Studio and a School Hall with banked retractable seating.  BHGS holds International School Status, the Music Mark and is a Fairtrade School.  Hatfield is within easy reach of London and other areas and the London Fringe Allowance is payable.

The school's Admissions’ Code gives priority places to children of staff and we give high priority to staff development. Staff are able to apply for our Professional Development Award which provides bursary payments to help finance CPD that goes beyond the school’s usual training programme.

We take safeguarding of our students extremely seriously and an enhanced disclosure will be sought through the Disclosure and Barring Service as part of the school’s pre-employment checks.

If you would like to visit us, prior to making an application, and see for yourself how our pupils learn in a vibrant, supportive environment please contact Sally Fullerton at

Please see the job description  for more detail.

Closing date for applications: Monday 20th January 9am

Interview and assessment date: To be confirmed (please note that we reserve the right to make an early appointment for applications made prior to the deadline)

Please apply via the school website

An Equal Opportunities’ Employer,

Bishop’s Hatfield Girls’ School is committed to

the protection and safety of its pupils and expects all

staff to share this commitment.

Attached documents

About Bishop's Hatfield Girls' School

Bishop's Hatfield Girls' School is an academy school based in Hertfordshire for girls aged 11-18.


Alf Wood

Core Values

Our core values are Respect, Honesty, Ambition, Teamwork, Trust and Kindness.

Excellent Teaching

By enthusiastic and inspirational staff

in stimulating and creative lessons

with high expectations for ALL

Academic Success

with outstanding exam results

by rigorous tracking of progress

in a supportive learning environment

Personal Development

valuing happiness and mutual respect

in extensive extra-curricular activities

which prepares for the challenges ahead

Strong Leadership

promoting high standards of behaviour

ensuring efficient and effective use of resources

engaging the whole school community and beyond


Pupils love attending Bishop’s Hatfield and are proud to be part of the inclusive and respectful community.

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Applications closed