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Teacher of English Maternity Cover

Teacher of English Maternity Cover

Bohunt School Worthing (BSW)

West Sussex

  • £31,650 - £49,084 per year
  • Expired
Job type:
Full Time, Maternity Cover
Start date:
April 2025
Apply by:
7 February 2025

Job overview

Teacher of English

Maternity Cover

Salary – National pay scale MPS/UPS

Start date: April/May 2025

Full Time


We are seeking an ambitious and inspirational classroom practitioner who can teach English. We wish to appoint an exceptional individual who has the necessary skills and attributes to have a real impact upon English learning and teaching at Bohunt Worthing. Potential is as important as experience so applications are invited from NQTs as well as more experienced colleagues 

You are joining Bohunt Education Trust at an exciting time of its development. We have nine secondary schools across four local authorities: Hampshire, Portsmouth, West Sussex and Wokingham; Bohunt Horsham opened in September 2019, and the newest addition, Bohunt Farnborough joined in January 2024. You will benefit from being part of a multi-academy trust offering the support of experienced colleagues across our schools and greater opportunities for career progression for those with both potential and aspirations to progress. 

English is currently delivered by 8 teachers following the AQA GCSE qualification which students begin in Y9 after a two year mastery based KS3. The department is committed to trialling new ideas in the classroom and works hard to provide engaging activities and lessons to ensure that all students have every opportunity to make excellent progress. 


Are you able to:

·    Inspire and innovate?

·      Nurture and develop (yourself as well as others)?

·      Commit to, and raise further, high achievement and motivation?

·      Optimise English learning for all?

We will:

·      Provide a supportive learning environment

·       Offer you the opportunity to make a difference

·       Actively promote your career development – you may already be targeting a middle

leader position and we will support you accordingly


For further details or to make an appointment prior to applying or if you wish to discuss the part time options/responsibility please contact Karen Calder on 01903 601361, or by email


TO APPLY: Please read the job description, school information, staff dress code and apply online today.


Closing date:         Friday 7th February 2025

Interview date:       W/c 10th February 2025

Start date:               April/May 2025


*Interviews will be held as soon as suitable candidates are available, so we invite interested candidates to apply as soon as possible. We reserve the right to appoint before the closing date.  

Attached documents

About Bohunt School Worthing (BSW)

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+44 1903 601361

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Thank you for your interest in Bohunt School Worthing (BSW).

Our purpose built, modern and innovative school opened in September 2015 to Year 7 and 8, and has grown into a vibrant and successful 11-16 comprehensive at the heart of its community where all students and staff genuinely enjoy, respect and achieve. In September 2016 we moved into new state-of-the-art buildings. These specialist facilities and resources include dynamic learning environments, a school wide iPad scheme, the Mandarin excellence programme, outdoor education opportunities and state of the art equipment in all curriculum areas. All of which contribute towards further transforming learning for teachers and students.

Our exciting oversubscribed school is built on the firm foundations of high expectations for all with a creative and personalised curriculum that will extend learning both in the classroom and through a wide range of co co-curricular opportunities and enriching experiences. This is uniquely blended with the firm conviction that our students are at the heart of all we aspire to and achieve. We are committed to and experienced in developing confident, ambitious and skilled young people who will relish their role in making a positive difference to their communities; whether local, national or global. BSW students will be well equipped for any challenge or opportunity. Our educational philosophy is encapsulated by three short verbs: Enjoy, Respect and Achieve.

Our positive and collaborative ethos is underpinned by the belief that all members of our school have the potential for excellence. We are committed to raising aspiration and dedicated to supporting all students develop the confidence, self-belief and well-being vital for success. This means everyone at BSW will be able to achieve and thrive, celebrating our collaborative and individual successes. Our first set of GCSE results in 2019 demonstrated excellent achievement across the ability range with 47% of students achieving Grade 5+ in both English and Maths, 73% Grade 4+ in both English and Maths and 21% of all grades were at 7+. Subsequent years have built on this strong benchmark and achieved even stronger moderated CAG results.

Bohunt School Worthing is in a central location in Worthing; a coastal town on the South Coast of West Sussex. With easy access to the A27; centrally between Chichester and Brighton, and also the A24 and A23. We are well served by public transport, with a train station within walking distance and a bus route on our doorstep. Further details about the school can be found by visiting our website or emailing Bohunt Educational Trust is proud of its academic success and amongst its eight schools has some of the top performing state schools in the country. The Trust’s success at creating best practice is demonstrated by us winning The STEM Leader Award, having over 400 visitors a year (including high ranking ministers, business leaders and international educators), our work being used as case studies by Ofsted, SSAT and Apple and our appearances on the BBC. The eight schools that currently form the trust are; Bohunt Liphook, Priory in Portsmouth, BSW, The Petersfield School (TPS), Bohunt Wokingham, The Costello School and Steyning Grammar School. Another completely new school Bohunt Horsham opened in September 19 and our parent school Liphook also opened a sixth form in September 2017.

Our vision is very much driven by the desire to ‘do the right thing’ for individuals, groups and the community. This means as a school we most definitely are not an exam factory driven solely by external measures. We value all forms of feedback and were delighted with our first ever Ofsted report in September 2018 which we felt strongly captured our culture and ethos.

In September 2018 the school received a glowing Ofsted report praising the leadership, student progress and culture of high expectations championed at the School. The inspectors also recognised the overwhelming support of leaders from parents and carers. The school’s work to promote students’ personal development and welfare was judged “outstanding”, and noted how students feel safe and well cared for whilst at school praising the positive culture surrounding the school, including staff feeling proud, valued and “committed to making sure that all students do well”.

The report commended the Headteacher, for establishing a “culture of high ambition” through his “enthusiasm and passion”, and praised the leadership team for setting the school “on a path of continual improvement”. The inspectors also recognised the overwhelming support of leaders from parents and carers.

Inspectors highlighted how the school’s sponsor, Bohunt Education Trust (BET), successfully delivers high-quality support and compelling challenge to leaders, as well as providing access to best practice sharing and professional opportunities for teachers across the network.

Ofsted recognised the school’s work to promote students’ personal development and welfare as “outstanding”, and noted how students feel safe and well cared for whilst at school.

The report also praised the positive culture surrounding the school, including staff feeling proud, valued and “committed to making sure that all students do well”. Inspectors highlighted how students responded well to their teachers’ high expectations and as a result, make strong progress.

The report also highlights:

· Students make strong progress across a broad range of subjects, with achievement in the core English and Maths subjects being particularly high.

· Students are very well prepared for the next stage of their education. Leaders embed employability skills from Year 7 onwards, with a rich programme of visiting speakers, careers-based lessons and visits to universities and colleges to ensure students are “highly ambitious”.

· As part of the school’s commitment to nurturing talents and opportunities, inspectors recognised how “students are carefully guided towards subjects that fit with their aspirations”. As a result, students are “enthusiastic and willing learners”.

· The school’s rich curriculum provides students with a wide range of subjects, alongside enjoying a variety of educational visits and extra-curricular activities.

The report is the school’s first full Ofsted inspection since opening its doors in 2015.

Chair of Governors, John Apsey, said:

“We are very pleased with Bohunt School Worthing’s Ofsted report today. It highlights the high-quality leadership, student progress, teaching, culture, personal development and extra-curricular opportunities that we are so proud to deliver for students at our school.

“The Board, leadership team and the whole school community are committed to continuing to drive the improvements and successes recognised by inspectors and look forward to doing so."

Neil Strowger, Chief Executive Officer of Bohunt Education Trust commented:

“Bohunt School Worthing has gone from strength to strength since it was first opened in 2015 and today it is rightly a school with a strong reputation in the local area for delivering high quality education and opportunities to all its students.

“We are really pleased that its success has been confirmed by Ofsted and we look forward to working closely with the school as it continues on its journey towards Outstanding.”

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