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Teacher of Mathematics

Teacher of Mathematics

Chelmsford County High School for Girls


  • £31,650 - £49,084 per year
  • New
M1 £31,650 to UPS3 £49,084
Job type:
Full Time, Part Time, Permanent
Start date:
September 2025
Apply by:
26 March 2025

Job overview

Chelmsford County High School for Girls is one of the most successful girls’ selective schools in the country. This is, therefore, a wonderful opportunity for a well-qualified Mathematics teacher, to join a thriving and dynamic Department, with motivated students, dedicated staff and excellent facilities. We are seeking a strong classroom practitioner, who is passionate about Mathematics and has the ability to inspire students to success.

The Mathematics Department at Chelmsford County High School for Girls consists of 12 teachers working in a friendly and supportive team. We exchange resources and ideas, both formally and informally, while working in our shared working area. The department has an excellent track record of success and is willing to work hard to make the “best better”; the relationships between staff and students are of the highest quality.

We are extremely proud to have achieved outstanding grades in all areas: teaching & learning, curriculum provision, achievement & standards, and leadership of the department. We take credit that our hard work and expertise is recognised however, we continually strive to develop further.

Attached documents

About Chelmsford County High School for Girls

Headteacher: Mr Stephen Lawlor

Chelmsford County High School is a great place to work with a caring ethos – our students are motivated, pleasant, courteous, well-behaved and enormous fun! They like school, and enjoy learning, achievement is high, and almost all the students go on to Higher Education at the most competitive universities, including Oxford and Cambridge.

Chelmsford County High School was founded in 1906 as one of the first girls' secondary schools in Essex. In an area where most other schools are all-ability comprehensives, it is a selective grammar school with academy status.

In September 2020, we expanded our intake for Year 7 admitting 180 students per year alongside the 150 students in Year 12. Most of our students in Year 11 return for the Sixth Form, and some 30-40 students join Year 12 from other schools. Entry at Year 7 is highly competitive: in accordance with our Admissions Policy, we offer places to the 180 girls who meet our criteria, out of the 1,300 or more who sit the entrance test. The School has a large number of "feeder" primary schools, around 80 in any one year group! Entry into the Sixth Form is determined by a strong performance at GCSE, which suggests good potential in the subjects chosen for A Level. At present, there are 1236 students on roll with 336 in the Sixth Form. Our students follow a broad curriculum with equal value attached to each subject area. We have been awarded an Artsmark Gold Award, which celebrates the emphasis we put on creativity across the curriculum.

This is not a complacent school. We regularly review our practice and ensure that classroom methodology is appropriate to the needs of our students. All staff have the opportunity to contribute to whole school planning for improvement through their subject and year teams as well as focus groups, each led by a member of the Senior or Middle Leadership Team.

This is a very busy school, which places a strong emphasis on enrichment activities. There is a fine tradition of musical performance, and most students play at least one instrument. There are many orchestras, choirs and ensembles. Drama is also an important enrichment activity, with clubs, and major school productions involving many students. Our sports teams are very successful, as are our individual sportswomen. Our students are lively and talented, as well as being academically able, and we try to provide plenty of opportunities for them. They also run a wide range of clubs or societies such as the Law Society and Medical Society where they invite speakers or present papers themselves. House activities include some distinctly less serious events, which nonetheless challenge student ingenuity. As a girls’ school we challenge gender stereotypes and place great importance in presenting our students with a wide range of opportunities beyond the taught curriculum, this includes involvement in many STEM activities and competitions.

In terms of resources and buildings, we have a fine mixture of "traditional", provided by the original main building, and a variety of buildings dating back to different decades of the last century together with some excellent modern facilities, such as the Music and Languages Centres. There is good computer provision, including interactive whiteboards in every classroom. We have dedicated Sixth Form facilities, a drama studio, an all-weather artificial pitch and a lecture room where we run a programme of academic lectures. In September 2021 we opened a new Sports Hall with dance studio and fitness suite, and a new teaching block containing additional science laboratories and classrooms.

Trustees are highly committed individuals who are generous with their time and the expertise they bring to the School. Parents are very supportive individually or through the Parents’ Association, and have, obviously, very high expectations of the School. We have a strong school community, which is friendly and welcoming. We trust our students to behave well, and the atmosphere in the School reflects our high expectations of them in this respect.

Ofsted report

Our most recent Ofsted Inspection took place in January 2024, with the school being judged “Outstanding” in all categories. In September 2024, the school was accredited with the NACE (National Association for Able Children in Education) Challenge Award, in recognition of excellence in provision for more able learners.

Our school is led by a strong team of senior staff and trustees who are constantly striving for excellence, seizing all opportunities for the benefit of our students and our staff. Staff and students work very effectively together, achieving outstanding results. For example, The Sunday Times Parent Power Guide 2025 shows the following for CCHS:

  • 1st in East Anglia, state girls’ schools
  • 3rd in East Anglia, all state schools
  • 6th nationally, state girls’ schools
  • 20th nationally for A levels and GCSEs, all state schools

View Chelmsford County High School for Girls' latest Ofsted report

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