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How to award a behaviour whilst marking homework submissions

This guide will explain how to award a behaviour whilst marking homework submissions.

There may be times when it is necessary to award a behaviour when homework tasks are being submitted (For example, issuing a detention for missing homework submissions).

To award behaviours whilst marking submissions for a homework task, click on the Classes tab along the top of the page and click on the start button for the class of your choice.

Class Charts start class

Next, click on the Homework tab along the top of the page.

Class Charts homework option in class

The homework sidebar will appear on the Set Homework tab. Click on the View homework tab.

Class Charts view homework tab

You will be presented with a list of previously published homework tasks. Click on the Submission button for the homework task of your choice to begin marking pupil submissions.

Class Charts submission button 2

The class will now be in submission view for the homework task. To mark a submission, click on a pupil tile to change their submission status.

Class Charts hw submission example

Once each pupil’s homework submissions have been marked, you can award a behaviour based on submission types.

Awarding a behaviour for submitted homework

To award a behaviour to all pupils who successfully submitted their homework task on time, click on the Award all submitted button along the top of the page.

Class Charts award all submitted button

Next, select the behaviour of your choice from the side menu.

Class Charts hw award positive

A popup will appear, listing all pupils that submitted the homework task. You can enter additional information about the behaviour in the Note and Outcome fields.

Click on the Save & close button to stop marking homework submissions, or click on the Save & continue button to carry on marking submissions.

Class Charts hw submission award popup

Once awarded, the behaviour incidents will appear in your school’s Activity feed.

Class Charts awarded positive in activity feed

Awarding a behaviour for not submitted homework

To award a behaviour to all pupils who did not submit their homework task on time, click on the Award all not submitted button along the top of the page.

Class Charts award all not submitted button

Next, select the behaviour of your choice from the side menu.

Class Charts hw award negative

A popup will appear, listing all pupils that did not submit the homework task. You can enter additional information about the behaviour in the Note and Outcome fields.

Click on the Save & close button to stop marking homework submissions, or click on the Save & continue button to carry on marking submissions.

Class Charts hw non submission award popup

Once awarded, the behaviour incidents will appear in your school’s Activity feed.

Class Charts awarded negative in activity feed

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