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Class Charts knowledge base

How to award out of classroom behaviours

This guide will explain how to award out of classroom behaviours.

There may be times when behaviour incidents occur outside of the classroom and need to be recorded.

To award behaviours outside of class, click on the Classes tab along the top of the page.

Class Charts classes button

Next, click on the Display button on the All pupils tile.

Class Charts display all pupils button

You will be presented with all of the pupils in your school’s Class Charts account. You can filter the displayed pupils by name, year group and house.

To award a behaviour, click on a pupil tile and select the behaviour of your choice. You can also award the same behaviour to multiple pupils by clicking on the Award multiple pupils button.

Class Charts award multiple pupils button

How to view a report on out of classroom behaviour data

To view a report on out of classroom behaviour data, click on the Reports button for the All pupils tile.

Class Charts all pupils reports button

You will be presented with a graph detailing out of classroom behaviour data for all pupils in the school.

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