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How to create a custom field

This guide will explain how to create a custom field.

Class Charts allows you to display information about each pupil in class and on the pupil details page. In addition to the default fields (e.g Tutor group, SEN, etc), custom fields can also be created.

To create a custom field in Class Charts, click on the three lines menu in the top right hand corner of the page and select Custom fields from the list of available options.

Class Charts custom fields button

You will be presented with a list of default fields, along with any custom fields that have been set up for your school’s Class Charts account.

Class Charts tick custom fields

Above the list of fields are four buttons that add allow you to add new custom fields. Each available option is explained below:

Class Charts new custom fields buttons

Add yes / no field

Yes / No fields can be used to display binary information about a pupil (e.g whether they are eligible for free school meals).

To add a new yes / no field, click on the Add yes / no field button, enter a name into the popup and click on the OK button.

Class Charts add yes no field

The yes / no field will now be present in your school’s list of custom fields.

Class Charts example yes no field

Add text field

Text fields can be used to display non binary information about a pupil (e.g subject grades).

To add a new text field, click on the Add text field button, enter a name into the popup and click on the OK button.

Class Charts add text field

The text field will now be present in your school’s list of custom fields.

Class Charts example text field

Add target field

Target fields can be used to compare pupil data against another type of pupil data (e.g comparing a pupil’s current grade against their target grade).

To add a new target field, click on the Add target field button, enter a name into the popup and click on the OK button.

Class Charts add target field popup

The target field will now be present in your school’s list of custom fields.

Class Charts example target field

Once a target field has been created, click on the pencil icon to choose what type of comparison data the field should represent.

Add from SIMS, etc

If your school’s Class Charts account is integrated with SIMS, aspects from SIMS can be added as custom fields.

Class Charts ICT behaviour

To find out more about setting up aspects as custom fields, please check out the following knowledgebase article.

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