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How to create a War Board

This guide will explain how to create a War Board.

There may be times when a visual representation of pupils in a particular group is required, so that pupils who need additional support can be identified. Class Charts allows you to do this through War Boards.

To view and create War Boards, click on the three lines menu in the top right hand corner of the page and select War Boards from the list of available options.

Class Charts WAR Boards menu tab

You will be redirected to the War Boards page where War Boards you have created are displayed, along with any additional War Boards that have been shared with you.

To create a new War Board, click on the Add new button below the My boards section.

Class Charts add new war board

You will now be ready to start adding pupil data to your War Board. To choose which pupils to include in the War Board, select the filters of your choice from the Update war board menu.

Class Charts add board filters

Once you have selected your chosen filters, click on the Update war board button at the bottom of the menu to apply them.

Class Charts update war board button

The selected filters will now be displayed underneath the War Board’s name. You can update the selected filters at any time by clicking on the blue filter icon in the top left hand corner of the page.

Class Charts war board criteria

Choosing a War Board type

Next, you will need to decide on how to display the pupils that fall under the selected filter categories. Select a display method from the Choose war board type drop down menu in the top right hand corner of the page. The available options are explained in more detail below:

Class Charts choose war board type drop down

Manually arrange a War board (3 groups)

This display option allows you to manually arrange pupils into three separate groups. To move a pupil to a different group, click and drag them to the group of your choice.

Class Charts war board three groups

Manually arrange a War board (4 groups)

This display option allows you to manually arrange pupils into four separate groups. To move a pupil to a different group, click and drag them to the group of your choice.

Class Charts war board four groups

Compare two grades

This display option automatically groups pupils based on their values for two custom fields. Select the two custom fields to be used as the current grade and target grade from the available drop down menu.

Class Charts war board compare two grades

Compare grade with a preset boundary

This display option automatically groups pupils by comparing their custom field value against a previously defined target boundary. Select a custom field and a target boundary from the available drop down menus.

Class Charts war board compare grade with boundary

Display a field

This display option automatically groups pupils based on their value for a specific custom field. Select the custom field of your choice from the drop down menu.

Class Charts war board display a field

Removing pupils from a War Board

There may be times when it would not be appropriate to include certain pupils on a War Board. To delete a pupil from a War Board, click and drag them to the blue area in the bottom right corner of the page.

To restore a deleted pupil, click on the blue area and use the pupil’s restore button in the Deleted pupils popup.

Class Charts war board restore removed pupil

Reverting changes made to a War Board

If you have made changes to your War Board that you would like to undo, click on the Revert changes button in the top right hand corner.

Class Charts revert changes button

You will now be able to use the Back and Forward button to undo and redo changes respectively.

Click on the Save & close button once you have finished reverting the changes.

Class Charts save and close button

Saving a War Board

Once you are happy with your War Board, click on the Save war board button in the top right hand corner of the page.

Class Charts save war board button

A popup will appear, asking you to provide a name for the new War Board. Enter a name and click on the OK button.

Class Charts name war board popup

The War Board will now be present in the My boards section of the War Boards page.

Class Charts added war board

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