Class Charts knowledge base

How to issue a behaviour

This guide will explain how to issue a behaviour.

Once behaviours have been set up in your school’s Class Charts account they can be awarded to pupils in class.

To award a behaviour, enter the class of your choice by clicking on the Start button.

Class Charts start class

Next, click on the pupil you wish to award a behaviour to.

Class Charts click on pupil

The pupil sidebar will appear with your school’s available behaviours present. Click on a behaviour icon to award it to the selected pupil.

Class Charts click on icon

The pupil sidebar will flash green and a sound effect will play to indicate that the behaviour was successfully awarded. The behaviour will then appear in the pupil’s Activity feed, below the list of behaviours in the pupil sidebar.

Class Charts behaviour in activity feed

Awarding a negative behaviour

To award a pupil with a negative behaviour, click on the Negative tab in their pupil sidebar and select the negative behaviour of your choice.

Class Charts click on negative icon

The pupil sidebar will flash red and a sound effect will play to indicate that the behaviour was successfully awarded. The behaviour will then appear in the pupil’s Activity feed, below the list of behaviours in the pupil sidebar.

Class Charts negative behaviour in activity feed

Behaviour points total

When behaviours are awarded to a pupil, their behaviour points total in the pupil sidebar will be updated accordingly. The displayed total is dependent on your school settings.

Class Charts pupil behaviour totals

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