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How to manually seat pupils

This guide will explain how to manually seat pupils.

Once you have classes set up with their respective rooms, staff will be able to start planning their seating plans.

To manually seat pupils in a class, click on the Classes tab along the top of the page and click on the Start button for the class of your choice.

Class Charts classes button
Class Charts start class

You will be presented with a view of the class and a list of unseated pupils to the right. To seat a pupil, drag the pupil from the unseated pupils list on the right hand side to wherever you want them to sit.

Class Charts unseated pupils list

Once seated, a pupil can be moved to another desk in the class or back to the unseated pupils sidebar.

Interested in Class Charts?

Enhance classroom management with instant seating plans, easy parent communication, and simple behaviour, homework, and attendance management.

Class Charts Transforming Everyday Interactions into Real-Time Data v3