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How to report safeguarding issues through Class Charts

This guide will explain how to report safeguarding issues through Class Charts.

If your school has been integrated with Safeguard My School, staff will be able to report safeguarding issues within Class Charts.

To report a safeguarding issue about a pupil, either click on the Start button for one of their classes or click on the Display button for the All Pupils tile.

Class Charts start class

Next, select the relevant child by clicking on their pupil card.


This will open up the pupil sidebar. To access the reporting section, click on the Safeguarding tab.


The safeguarding form shown below will appear. Enter the details of the safeguarding issue into the relevant fields of the form.


Once the form is complete, click on the Submit form button to log the safeguarding issue.

Class Charts submit form button

A confirmation message will appear if your school has set one up and the Safeguarding Lead will be notified of this report via email.

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