Class Charts knowledge base

How to roll back upscaled detentions

This guide will explain how to roll back upscaled detentions.

You may sometimes need to revert an upscaled detention back to the original sanction awarded, please follow the instructions below to do this.

Firstly head to the detention manager by clicking the 3 lines.

Class Charts detentions menu tab button

You will be presented with a list of detentions. Click on the Future tab to view the upscaled and pending detentions.

Class Charts future tab

From here, click on the graph icon next to the pupil in question, who’s upscaled detention needs to revert back to the original sanction issued.

Class Charts graph button

You will be presented with the detention details for the pupil. Change the details to replicate the original detention. Please consider reverting the detention type, time and location.

Class Charts detention details

The duplicate detention popup will appear. Please select Set detention.

Class Charts set detention

You will now need to click on the tab where the original detention was located.

Class Charts tabs

You will now need to click on the name of the pupil with the orange upscaled entry.

Class Charts name of pupil

You will again be presented with the detention details for the pupil. You will need to click on the bin icon in the top right corner of the detention details.

Class Charts bin icon

The detention deletion popup will appear. Please select Yes, but keep behaviour points.

Class Charts keep points

The upscale will now disappear and the original detention will remain.

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