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How to set up push notifications for pupil & parent announcements

This guide will explain how to set up push notifications for pupil & parent announcements.

If pupils or parents use the Class Charts apps for Apple and Android, you can control whether or not a push notification should be sent to their device when a relevant announcement is created.

To enable announcement push notifications for pupil and parent apps, click on the three lines menu in the top right hand corner of Class Charts and select Schools settings from the list of available options.

Class Charts school settings tab

Next, select Pupils & Parents from the left hand side menu

Class Charts pupils and parents tab

You will be presented with several settings that control how pupil and parent accounts work. Set Send announcements as push notifications to Enabled.

Class Charts send announcements as push notifications

Pupils and parents will now receive push notifications on their Apple and Android devices if they have enabled notifications for their Class Charts app.

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