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How to set up the detentions manager for pupil and parent accounts

This guide will explain how to set up the detentions manager for pupil and parent accounts.

If the detentions module has been enabled at your school, you can control how detention information is shared with pupils and parents.

To set up the detentions manager for pupil and parent accounts, click on the three lines menu in the top right hand corner of Class Charts and select Schools settings from the list of available options.

Class Charts school settings tab

Next, click on Pupils and Parents on the left hand side.

Class Charts pupils and parents tab

You will be presented with a list of permission settings pertaining to pupil and parent accounts. These include the detention module related settings. Click on the setting labelled Show detention manager to pupils & parents and select an option from its drop down menu.

Class Charts show detention manager to pupils and parents

The available options are explained below:

Enabled: Selecting this option will will display the detentions manager through both the pupil and parent accounts.

Disabled: Selecting this option will disable the detentions manager for both pupil and parent accounts.

Pupils only: Selecting this option will display the detentions manager through pupil accounts only.

Parents only: Selecting this option will display the detentions manager through parent accounts only.

Once the detentions manager has been enabled for an account type, an additional option labelled Detentions will appear along the top of the page.

Class Charts detentions menu tab

Clicking on the Detentions tab will take the user to the detentions manager. Here, pupils and parents will be able to track incoming and previous detentions, with a legend that describes each detention’s status.

Class Charts detentions status

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