Class Charts knowledge base

How to share a War Board with staff members

This guide will explain how to share a War Board with staff members.

Once a War Board has been created, it can be shared with other Class Charts users.

To share a War Board, click on the three lines menu in the top right hand corner of the page and select War Boards.

Class Charts WAR Boards menu tab

A list of created War Boards will be displayed. To share a War Board with other members of staff, either click on the person icon on this page, or click on the Share war board button when viewing a WAR board.

Class Charts share war board button
share war board tab

Either of these options will open up a pop up window where you can choose which staff members to share the War Board with. Click on the Add more button to select a staff member from the list.

Shared users can have two permission levels: Read allows users to view the War Board whereas Read and write allows users to view and edit the board.

Class Charts read and write dropdown

Once a War Board has been shared with a user, they will see the WAR board under the Shared with me heading in the War Boards menu.

Class Charts war board shared with me

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