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How to view the homework calendar

This guide will explain how to view the homework calendar.

As homework tasks are assigned by staff members, it may be useful to see an overview of homework tasks set across the school, for a particular subject, or even for a specific pupil.

To view your school’s homework calendar, click on the Homework calendar tab at the top of the page.

Class Charts homework calendar button

You will be redirected to the Homework calendar page, where set homework tasks are displayed for the current week.

Class Charts homework calendar page

To filter the homework calendar to a specific pupil, homework type, lesson, year group, subject or teacher, click on the drop down menus along the top of the calendar and select a filter option to apply.

Class Charts homework calendar search options

To change the displayed week, click on the Previous and Next buttons to go backward / forward one week. Click on the Today button to return to the current week.

Class Charts previous next today buttons

To switch between viewing homework tasks by their issue date / due date, use the display radio buttons above the calendar.

Class Charts display by due date

To search for a specific homework task, enter the keywords of your choice into the Search field provided.

Class Charts search by name

To view a homework task on the calendar in more detail, click on an entry within the calendar.

Class Charts homework calendar entry

A detailed description of the homework task will appear as a popup.

Class Charts calendar hw detailed

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