Class Charts knowledge base

Missed On-report Cards

This guide will provide information on missed on-report cards.

To send a missed On-Report Card email, click on the Analytics tab at the top of the page.

Class Charts analytics menu tab

Select the On-Report Cards option from the menu on the left hand side.

Class Charts on-report cards menu tab

Then select Missed On-report Cards.

Class Charts missed-on-report cards menu tab

You have the opportunity to select individual members of staff before selecting Send missed on-report cards email in the top right hand corner of the page.

Class Charts Send missed on-report cards email button

To send out the missed on-report card alert, please select an option from the drop down menu.

Class Charts missed on-report card alert

All teachers with missing on-report card entries today
All teachers with missing on report card entries on selected week
Selected teachers with missing on-report card entries today
Selected teachers with missing on-report card entries on selected week

Once an option has been selected from the drop down, click Send emails, the email/emails will be generated and sent.

Class Charts save emails on-report card alert

Email received by teacher

Class Charts email sent example

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