Edexcel GCSE German Stimmt Technologiefiend oder -freund?
Two lessons and a vocab sheet to accompany pages 84-85 of the GCSE Edexcel Stimmt book. Suitable for y10 or 11.
Wer ist dein Vorbild? Edexcel GCSE German Stimmt Kapitel 3
Hour long lesson to accompany page 58 of Stimmt for GCSE German Edexcel. Includes powerpoint, worksheet and support worksheet for listening task.
Edexcel GCSE German Stimmt K4 Total vernetzt
Presentation, vocabulary and reading comprehension to accompany pages 82 and 83 of the Stimmt text book.
Edexcel GCSE German Stimmt K5, Ein Wiener Schnitzel, bitte!
Presentation based on pages 102-103 of the Stimmt text book. Sheet to fill in the English meanings of the items on the menu as a dictionary work task. A brief look at the subjunctive. Includes differentiated listening task (within the presentation) and vocabulary sheet.
Edexcel Stimmt GCSE German pages 94-95 Startpunkt Reiseplanung richtig machen
An introduction to the unit on holidays and travel, focusing on transport and hotel bookings.<br />
Grammar: using clauses with two verbs; knowing when to use Sie or du and question words.<br />
Includes vocabulary sheet.
Edexcel GCSE German Stimmt K5: Wie komme ich zur Oper?
2 lessons on asking for and giving directions and using the imperative. Includes speed dating activity and differentiated worksheet for the listening task
Revision games for Stimmt chapters 1-3 Edexcel GCSE Stimmt
Two roll it recap games and one snakes and ladders game based on Edexcel GCSE Stimmt vocab lists for chapters 1-3
Lese- und Hörtest Kapitel 3 Edexcel Stimmt GCSE German
Starter and instructions and answers to the listening and reading tests for Kapitel 3 Edexcel Stimmt GCSE German. Also includes some help with vocabulary. Start by cutting up the starter and giving each pupil a card (this is for a class of 18 so you may need to add more) the first person says "Ich habe hilfsbereit, wer hat "I get on well with y Dad" and the person with the German for that speaks up. Go on in a chain until you get back to the first word.
Edexcel GCSE German Stimmt Mündlicher Test Kapitel 3
Presentation and worksheet to accompany the speaking test at the end of chapter 3 of Stimmt. Requires the audio files.
Wer ist dein Vrobild 2 (accompanies p59 of GCSE Edexcel Stimmt)
Presentation and answers to listening and reading comprehension tasks for p59 of GCSE German Edexcel Stimmt
German Relationships and Choices Revision Game
Quick fire way to revise vocabulary for the reading test. Ideal for Year 11.
Mit Freude in die Schule
New Edexcel GCSE lesson on school including sich freuen auf and opinions with denn and weil<br />
(The weil vile welly section is from another resource on here)