Eduqas GCSE English Language componant 1a (reading fiction)Quick View

Eduqas GCSE English Language componant 1a (reading fiction)

16 pages of revision activities for students to complete in preparation for Lang 1a (reading fiction). Tasks are broken down question by question. There are examples of marked work, revision activities and exemplar extracts as well as a useful reflect and review for students to complete at the end of their revision.
Romeo and Juliet Act 1 essay prep and consolidationQuick View

Romeo and Juliet Act 1 essay prep and consolidation

KS4 resources for students studying Romeo and Juliet. <br /> These worksheets focus on Act One and look at being independent enough to explore parts of scripts and characters. There is essay planning support as well as examples of good PEE style structure. The focus of the subsequent essay sheets is to focus on the students personal targets. I have used these resources with a mixed ability Year 10 and 11 class where these tasks were aimed at the lower attaining students as differentiation by task and support.
Eduqas Poetry Anthology Workbook for (very) low attaining studentsQuick View

Eduqas Poetry Anthology Workbook for (very) low attaining students

<p>This pack was created to support one particular student who has an academic age of around 9. It supports in the study of the following Eduqas poems:<br /> Valentine<br /> The Manhunt<br /> Dulce Et Decrum Est</p> <p>Its purpose was really to focus on Entry level and English Language skills for students that have to be in the Literature lessons regardless of their prior attainment.</p> <p>I will upload the rest of the pack as and when I create it.</p>
Contexts of Jekyll and HydeQuick View

Contexts of Jekyll and Hyde

<p>Includes three essays/source material to provide some context for the novel (Victorian Crime, Stevenson and a newspaper article about Whitechaple from 1862.</p> <p>There is a context worksheet to begin embedding contextual ideas and two grade mover sheets to focus on the AOs to move grades forward. I have given these to students working at grade 4/5 to push them to grade 6+ but they would also work well in mixed ability situations as they include two student responses.</p> <p>I have set this pack as prereading homework (the three articles) and then classroom activities when reading chapter 1 (although it would work equally well at any point in the novel as the examples are just from chapter 1.</p>
Review worksheet for each Act of Romeo and JuietQuick View

Review worksheet for each Act of Romeo and Juiet

<p>Act by Act, these worksheets enable students to review the action; record key quotations and develop their understanding of character and plot. Each sheet comes with STRETCH activities to encourage the students to think more deeply too (show with the cat icons)</p>
poetry dominoes: techniques, termsQuick View

poetry dominoes: techniques, terms

easy cut out and give out game that focuses on students using their understadning of poetry techniques, their definitions and examples of to put together the dominoes in the right pattern. Can be played individually or as a team.
Exploring Language in 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'Quick View

Exploring Language in 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'

For students working between Level 4 and 7. Focus on Shakespeare's choice of language. The first looks at Bottom and Titania&'s relationship, focusing on the language. There are two versions, a blank one and one with prompts. The second could be used for any Shakespeare character and has different sheets for Level 4, 5, 6 and 7.
Poetry: Limbo compared to Night of the ScorpionQuick View

Poetry: Limbo compared to Night of the Scorpion

<p>A differentiated worksheet resource to help students compare the poems Night of the Scorpion by Nissim Ezekiel and Limbo by Edward Kamau Braithwaite and cover the assessment objectives for the Language Poetry Question AQA A.
exploring Father's character: VulturesQuick View

exploring Father's character: Vultures

A lesson allowing students to explore the dual sides of father's character through the exploration of the poem Vultures and then writing creatively from his POV. Questions, planning sheet and peer assessment included.
chapter 12 thinking hats: ShmuelQuick View

chapter 12 thinking hats: Shmuel

A lesson to explore Shmuel's character in chapter 12. Starter on all characters, thinking hats questions, recording grid and self assessment plenary all included.