Judaism beliefs Scheme of WorkQuick View

Judaism beliefs Scheme of Work

*Please rate/comment* This scheme of work is based on Judaism beliefs which highlight The beginning of Judaism 4000 years ago, the ten commandments, artefacts to do with prayer and home, features of a synagogue and role of a Rabbi. It also touches on other aspects of Judaism such as the celebration of Passover where children can re-enact the sedar meal. This planning can be used in Year 4 or any other KS2 class. It can easily be adapted too! If you want some of the resources that are not submitted due to copyright, please message me WITH your email address :-)
Rounding reasoning & problem solvingQuick View

Rounding reasoning & problem solving

Just a simple worksheet I created to extend all pupils into reasoning when rounding numbers to the nearest 10,100 & 1000. I have taken ideas from WhiteRose resources and laid them out into F (Fluency), R (Reasoning) and PS (Problem solving). Could be used as a teaching resource or assessment on the objective.
Editing writing - making it more interestingQuick View

Editing writing - making it more interesting

This resource has a powerful piece of writing which has a variety of sentence starters, different sentence types, excellent punctuation, similes, metaphors & hooks the reader with rhetorical questions. Children are to identify all these aspects of writing teacher stylie! They should highlight and annotate it. Then, there is another piece of text which is less interesting. Children are to recognise what to improve and then edit the piece of writing to make it more powerful for the reader. An extension would be to write their own starter using many aspects from the first piece of writing.
Factors reasoning and greater depthQuick View

Factors reasoning and greater depth

I wanted to develop my children's reasoning skills so created this factor greater depth sheet that has 3/4 different styled questions to get them thinking.
Roman explanation text (With comprehension questions)Quick View

Roman explanation text (With comprehension questions)

This is an explanation text that I wrote about how Roman roads were built. It includes a labelled diagram as well as comprehension questions underneath. This could be used to promote comprehension skills or be used in an explanation texts unit to link to the topic of Romans! Please rate this resource. Thank you.
SPaGHETTI - SPaG activities linked to Y5 curriculumQuick View

SPaGHETTI - SPaG activities linked to Y5 curriculum

<p>After our English Lead showed me a SPaGHETTI sheet made by someone from Twitter (no idea who, so if it is you please get in touch!), I created lots of sheets so I could do a weekly SPaG activity with the children to keep skills bubbling! <em>Updated for Autumn 2019</em></p>
Big Write Prompt / Talk SheetsQuick View

Big Write Prompt / Talk Sheets

These are a set of Big Write prompt sheets that I have used to send home the night before children complete a Big Write task. They are to be used as a talking point for children to make notes on (possibly with parents as homework). They are adaptable but will hopefully give a decent framework with a variety of tasks (diary, story, explanation, persuasion etc)
Year 4 New Curriculum Number AssessmentQuick View

Year 4 New Curriculum Number Assessment

This is a number assessment for some of the objectives for the new NC. It's simple but does the job. A couple of objectives have 'greater depth of learning' questions which I designed for concepts I taught during the half term.
Main and subordinate clausesQuick View

Main and subordinate clauses

So many resources move far too fast. So I made this incredibly simple yet clear notebook activity to help my Year 4 pupils understand how to identify main clauses and subordinate clauses. It helps children recognise subordinating conjunctions too.
Cross section of a toothQuick View

Cross section of a tooth

This is a cross section of a tooth where children have to label the diagram. Words are in a box for children to use if needed. Although this could be adapted. Two on one sheet but could fit 4 if copied and pasted - just didn't leave much room!
Type of sentence quizQuick View

Type of sentence quiz

This is a quiz based on children having to identify what type of sentence belongs to each category: simple, compound or complex. More suitable for year 5/6's when they have been taught types of sentences. Please comment and rate!
ErosionQuick View


This worksheet gives children 3 pictures of the 3 different types of erosion; Sea, Wind & Rain. They have to identify which is which and then use words in the box to help them explain why. An extension is also given. Have used in Year 3/4 Science topic - Rocks é Soils but very adaptable for KS2 Geography topics: Rivers, Coasts, The Environment.
Olympic place the face quiz!Quick View

Olympic place the face quiz!

Please rate/share! This is a basic Olympic place the face quiz where children (individually, in pairs or in teams) can identify famous past and present olympians whilst also gaining extra points for the acknowledgement of the sport/event the famous olympian takes part in. Good fun, simple!
Author study questions for displayQuick View

Author study questions for display

These questions have been written that can be adapted for any author your class is studying. My class are learning about Lauren Child so may come in handy. I intend to use them in a book corner that will have pictures of book covers, the author and characters.