Year 5 Science - Forces - Full lesson sequenceQuick View

Year 5 Science - Forces - Full lesson sequence

Full lesson sequence for Year 5 Science Forces topic (6 lessons). Includes: Lesson sequence with key vocabulary for each lesson and also NC objectives SMART presentation for each lesson Resources and tasks for each lesson Pre and post assessment
Differentiated Tasks - Adding using mental strategiesQuick View

Differentiated Tasks - Adding using mental strategies

Differentiated tasks to enable children to practise adding using mental strategies, beginning with adding 1, 2 and 3 digit numbers and progressing to decimals. children are given opportunities to choose and use a variety of strategies depending on the numbers.
Multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000Quick View

Multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000

I created this resource when my year 4 class needed to revise and really practice multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000. There are three levels of questions plus a word problem challenge, each progressing to slightly more difficult numbers to divide or multiply by gradually. Numbers can be easily edited to suit different groups of children. To challenge my higher ability children, I asked them to also write their answers in words to check their understanding of place value (including decimals).
Spanish - School subjects & saying what you like and dislikeQuick View

Spanish - School subjects & saying what you like and dislike

I have created a PowerPoint presentation and resources (included at the end of the PowerPoint) to help introduce KS2 children to the names of the school subjects in Spanish and say which subjects they like and dislike. The PowerPoint guides you through three short lessons, which give opportunities for children to recognise, say and write the Spanish words through different activities.