Series of five lessons based on a burning candle investigation that goes through the hypothesis, plan, risk assessment, practical skills, graph analysis, conclusion and improvements.
A power point using the 4 part lesson plan about the conservation of mass in chemical reactions and physical changes, includes a worksheet. The lesson is about calculating the mass of products or reactants, it can be used even if you are not following the activate scheme as there are no references to the text book.
A power point using the 4 part lesson plan introducing chemical reactions, includes two worksheets. The lesson is about writing word equations for chemical reactions, it can be used even if you are not following the activate scheme as there are no references to the text book.
A power point using the 4 part lesson plan introducing space, includes a worksheet. The lesson is about identifying objects seen in the night sky, it can be used even if you are not following the activate scheme as there are no references to the text book.
A power point using the 4 part lesson plan introducing space, includes 2 worksheets. The lesson is about objects found in the universe, it can be used even if you are not following the activate scheme as there are no references to the text book.
A power point using the 4 part lesson plan about burning fuels, includes. The lesson is about comparing different fuels and oxidation reactions, it can be used even if you are not following the activate scheme as there are no references to the text book.
A power point using the 4 part lesson plan introducing space, includes 2 worksheets and an exit pass. The lesson is about the structure of the solar system and information about the planets, it can be used even if you are not following the activate scheme as there are no references to the text book.
A power point using the 4 part lesson plan introducing space, includes 2 worksheets and a writing frame. The lesson is about how we get the phases of the moon, it can be used even if you are not following the activate scheme as there are no references to the text book.
A power point using the 4 part lesson plan introducing thermal decomposition, includes a worksheet. The lesson is about explaining what thermal decomposition is and predicting the products, it can be used even if you are not following the activate scheme as there are no references to the text book.
A power point using the 4 part lesson plan introducing space. The lesson is about how we get different seasons, it can be used even if you are not following the activate scheme as there are no references to the text book.
A power point using the 4 part lesson plan introducing exothermic and endothermic reactions. The lesson is about carrying out different chemical reactions and measuring the temperature change to evaluate if they are exothermic or endothermic, it can be used even if you are not following the activate scheme as there are no references to the text book.
All the resources needed to teach the Activate Science Space topic. Contains 8 lessons covering the structure of the universe, the solar system, the moon and the earth. It can be used even if you are not following the activate scheme as there are no references to the text book.
Resources for 6 lessons of the reactions topic, covering chemical reactions, word equations, burning fuels, thermal decomposition, conservation of mass and exo / endo thermic reactions. There is no reference to the textbook so can be used independently.
A power point using the 4 part lesson plan introducing space, includes 2 worksheets. The lesson is about how we get an eclipse, it can be used even if you are not following the activate scheme as there are no references to the text book.
A power point using the 4 part lesson plan introducing space, includes a worksheet. The lesson is about how we get night and day, it can be used even if you are not following the activate scheme as there are no references to the text book.
A power point using the 4 part lesson plan introducing space. The lesson is about satellites and some of their uses, it can be used even if you are not following the activate scheme as there are no references to the text book.
A power point using the 4 part lesson plan introducing compounds, includes a www/ebi/mri worksheet. The lesson is about identifying compounds and comparing them to elements, it can be used even if you are not following the activate scheme as there are no references to the text book.